- Los Angeles Unified School District
- LAUSD Office Directory
L.A. Unified Office Directory
- A-G Diploma Program
- A-G Graduation Requirements (213 241-6895)
- A-G Intervention and Support
- Academic Decathlon (213-241-2691)
- Academic English Mastery Program (213 241-3340)
- Academic Support and Achievement Program (ASAP)
- Access Equity Acceleration (213-241-3340)
- Accounting & Disbursements Division (213 241-7889)
- Accounting Controls (213 241-7889)
- Accounts Payable (213 241-4800)
- Adult and Career Education Division (213 241-3150)
- Adult Student Information Systems (Adult SIS; 213-241-5228)
- Advanced Learning Options (213 241-6444)
- APOLO/Dual Language (213 241-2550)
- Arts Education Branch (213 241-8222)
- Attendance Matters
- Audiometric Testing Program (Audiometry)
- Behavior Support (Division of Special Education) (213) 241-6701
- Benefits Administration (213 241-4262)
- Beyond the Bell Branch (213 241-7900)
- Blackboard Connect (213 241-1661 and 213 241-8723)
- Black Student Achievement (BSA) 213-241-1000
- Board of Education (213 241-6389)
- Board Secretariat (213 241-7002)
- Bond Holders (213 241-7989)
- Budget Services & Financial Planning (213 241-2100)
- Business Tools for Schools (BTS; 213 241-5200)
- Chief Financial Officer (213 241-7888)
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/Automated External Defibrillator (CPR/AED) and First Aid Program
- Career and Adult Education (213 241-3150)
- Career Technical Education Unit (213-241-1298)
- Carlson Home Hospital Program
- Certificated Credentials and Contract Services (213 241-6520)
- Charter Schools Division (213 241-0399)
- Chief Strategy Officer (213) 241-4299
- Child Abuse Awareness Training (213 241-5337)
- Children’s Health Access and Medi-Cal Program (CHAMP) (213 241-4293)
- Classified Employment Services (Non-teaching support) (213) 241-6300
- Classified Growth and Development Cycle
- Common Core State Standards
- Communicable Disease Prevention/Immunization Program
- Communications and Media Relations, Office of (213 241-6766)
- Community Partnerships and Medi-Cal Programs (213 241-3872)
- Community Partners
- Comprehensive Assessment Program (213-241-7506)
- Condom Availability Program (CAP)
- Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services (213 241-3841)
- CTE-Linked Learning (213) 241-0374
- Data and Accountability (213 241-2460)
- Data Privacy, Analysis, & Reporting Branch (213 241-5600)
- Developer Fee Program (213 241-6266)
- Directory Assistance (213 241-1000)
- District Intern Program (213 241-5466)
- District Nursing Services (213) 202-7580
- District Service Center (213 241-1000)
- Division of Adult and Career Education (213 241-3150)
- Division of School Operations (213 241-5337)
- Division of Instruction (213 241-5333)
- Division of Risk Management & Insurance Services (213 241-3139)
- Early Childhood Education Division (213 241-0415)
- Eco-Sustainability Office
- Educational Options (213-241-3759)
- Educator Development and Support: Teachers (EDST) (213) 241-3444
- Emergency Services (213 241-3889)
- Employee Recreation Unit
- Employee Service Center (213 241-1000)
- Employment Verification (213 241-6550)
- Enterprise Project Management Office
- Environmental Health and Safety (213 241-3199)
- Equal Opportunity Section (213 241 7685)
- Ethics Office (213 241-3330)
- Expanded School Based Management Program (213 241-8700)
- Facilities Services Division (213 241-4811)
- Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Office (213 241-3954)
- FamilySource Partnership Program
- Federal and State Education Programs (213 241-6990)
- Focus
- Food Services Division (213 241-6419 or 213 241-6409)
- Foreign Student Admissions Office
- General Accounting (213 241-3188)
- General Counsel, Office of the (213) 241-7600
- GetData (213 241-3014)
- Gifted and Talented Programs (213 241-6500)
- Government Relations, Office of (916-446-6641)
- Health Education Programs (HEP) (213 241-2554)
- Healthy Start (213 241-4293)
- Help Desk (IT Service Desk) (213 241-5200)
- High School Equivalency Test Center (213-765-2573)
- History / Social Science Pre K-12 (213 241-6444)
- Homeless Education Office
- HR - Classified (Non-teaching support) (213) 241-6300
- HR - Staff Relations (213 241-6056)
- Human Relations, Diversity and Equity (213 241-8719)
- Human Resources (213 241-6131)
- Incident Reporting System (213 241- 5337)
- Infant and Preschool Special Education Program
- Information Technology Services (213 241-5200)
- Information-Directory Assistance (213 241-1000)
- Innovation Office (213 241-4253)
- Inspector General, Office of the (213 241-7700)
- Instructional Technology Initiative (213-241-5532)
- Integrated Disability Management (213) 241-3138
- Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services (213 241-2733)
- Interscholastic Athletics
- IT HelpDesk (213 241-5200)
- Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC; 213 745-1915)
- KLCS Television (Channel 58) (213 241-4000)
- Labor Relations (213-241-8322)
- Legislative and Government Affairs (Government Relations, Office of 213 241-8181)
- Library - iLTSS (213 241-2733)
- Literacy/Language Arts PreK-12 (213 241-6444)
- Local District and School-Based Support
- Local Initiative Schools - LIS (213-241-8700)
- Local Options Oversight Committee (213-241-8700)
- Magnet Program (877 462-4798)
- Mail Support Unit (562) 654-9002
- Maintenance and Operations (213 241-0352)
- Master Planning and Demographics (213-241-8044)
- Master Program Institute (213-241-7510)
- Materiel Management Branch (562 654-9007)
- Mathematics Branch
- Medical Services Division
- MiSiS (My Integrated Student Information System; 213 241-5200)
- Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department (213 241-5582)
- My Data (213 241-3014)
- My Professional Growth System (MyPGS) (213) 241-3444
- My Professional Learning Network (MyPLN) (213) 241-3444
- Office of ADA Compliance (213 241-5295)
- Office of Communications and Media Relations
- Office of Health Emergency Response & Support (213) 241-5330
- Office of Data and Accountability (213 241-2460)
- Office of Environmental Health and Safety (213 241-3199)
- Office of Labor Relations (213-241-8322)
- Office of Outdoor and Environmental Education (213 241 7900)
- Office of School Design Options (213-241-8700)
- Office of Student Civil Rights (213-241-7682)
- Office of Transitional Programs
- Open Enrollment; District K-12
- Oral Health Program
- Organizational Excellence (213 241-3440)
- Parent and Community Services (213 481-3350)
- Parent Emergency Information
- Payroll Administration (213-241-2570)
- Peer Assistance & Review (213 241-5501)
- Permits & Student Transfers (213-202-7547)
- Permits With Transportation (PWT) Program (877 462-4798)
- Personalized Learning Systems (213 241 3017)
- Personnel Commission (213 241-7800)
- Physical Education (213-241-4134)
- Police Department, L.A. School (213 625-6631)
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports/Restorative Practices
- Preschool Transition Nurse Program
- Procurement Services Division
- Professional Learning and Leadership Development (213) 241-3444
- Psychological Services (Division of Special Education) (213) 241-8303)
- Public Finance (213 241-7989)
- Public School Choice (213 241-8700)
- Pupil Services & Attendance (213 241-3844)
- School Management Services (213-241-8044)
- Salary Allocations (213-241-6121)
- Salary Point Credit (213 241-5495)
- School Attendance Month
- School Construction Bond Citizens’ Oversight Committee (213-241-5183)
- School Counseling Services (213-241-7510)
- School Design Options (213-241-8700)
- School Experience Survey (213 241-5600)
- School Fiscal Services Branch (213-241-7677)
- School Mental Health (213 241-3841)
- School Police Department (213 625-6631)
- School Review (213-241-5104)
- Science Branch
- Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics (STEAM) (213-241-5333)
- Social Emotional Learning (213-241-3409)
- Special Education Resource Nurse (SERN) Program
- Special Education, Division of (213 241-6701)
- Specialized Student Services
- State Reporting Services Branch (213 241-2450)
- Student Body Finance Support (213 241-7889)
- Student Discipline and Expulsion Support Unit (213 202-7555)
- Student Empowerment Unit (213) 481-3350
- Student Information Support Branch (213 241-2081)
- Student Integration Services (213 241-4177)
- Student Medical Services & MediCal Programs (213-202-7584)
- Student Records Center/Transcripts (323 224-5950)
- Student Support and Progress Team (SSPT; 213-241-3340)
- Student Support Programs
- Student Testing Branch (213 241-4104)
- Student Work Permits (213-241-7053)
- Subject Matter Preparation (SMP) Program (213-241-4252)
- Superintendent's Office (213-241-7000)
- Talent Acquisition and Selection Branch (213-241-3455)
- Teacher Collaborators
- Teacher Growth & Induction Program (TGI) (213) 241-4251
- Teacher Training Academy (213-241-4252)
- Technical Support (213 241-5200)
- Testing Branch, Student (213 241-4104)
- Translations Unit (213 241-0107)
- Transportation Services Branch (800 522-8737)
- Treasury (213 241-7989)
- Truck Operations (Trucking / TOPS) (562-654-9000)
- Tutoring Services
- Universal Transitional Kindergarten (844 327-5933)
- Verification Process for Special Settings (213-241-4252)
- Visitor Desk (LAUSD Headquarters)- (213-241-5112)
- Visually Impaired Program
- Web Services (213 241-5200)
- Welligent Support (213-241-5200)
- Wellness Programs (Blueprint for Wellness) (213 241-3850)
- Work Experience Education Office (213 241-7053)
- Work Permits for Students (213-241-7053)
- Workers Compensation (213) 241-3139
- World Languages and Cultures (213 241-4517)
- YouthSource City Partnership
- Zones of Choice Office (213 241-0466)