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Dr. Robert Whitman and colleague listening to an audience.
K-12 Coordinator Tara Jacobs facilitating professional development at the 2023 Principals' Leadership Institute.
K-12 Coordinator Maggie Valles facilitating professional development at the 2023 Principals' Leadership Institute.

    The Educational Transformation Office collaborates with the Central, Region, and school-based teams to ensure our District's Priority Schools receive the appropriate support and attention to address students' academic and social-emotional needs. Through ETO, Priority Schools receive direct support but remain under the purview of the Region Superintendents. In collaboration with the regions, ETO works solely with Priority Schools to evaluate existing school systems and programs, and support schools with identifying corrective courses of action, and ensure the equitable delivery of high-quality instruction.

ETO Theory Action Banner Image
  • When the Educational Transformation Office provides immediate attention and intervention at the District's Priority Schools through:

    1. Strategic and Priority Staffing: Identify, develop, and retain effective transformational leaders, teachers, and support staff
    2. Instructional Support: Provide schools an instructional foci supported through ongoing Culturally and Linguistically Responsive professional development, cycles of improvement, classroom observations, and ensuring equity and access to advanced learning options (e.g., CTE, AP, Honors, Dual/Concurrent Enrollment)
    3. Progress Monitoring: Provide frequent and consistent monitoring of Priority Schools using the identification criteria and school reviews
    4. District Coherence: Collaborate with the Region Offices and Central Office Teams to provide immediate instructional, staffing, operational, and technical support 
    5. Strategic Instructional Partnerships: Identify proven organizations to provide academic enrichment, intervention, and wrap-around services to students and families at Priority Schools

    Then Priority Schools will demonstrate multi-year increases in student achievement.


  • Educational Transformation Office
    333 South Beaudry Avenue, 19th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017
    Phone: (213) 241-3474