Financial donations are always welcomed. Please make checks payable to:
LAUSD Education Foundation
Please mail your check to:
Migrant Education Program
333 S. Beaudry Ave., 25th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
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- Baby clothes
- Diapers
- Toys
Migrant Education Program

Migrant Education Program Helps Kids in Families Who Work in Agricultrual Industry [San Fernando Valley Sun]
The Migrant Education program is a federally funded program designed to enrich and respond to the educational and health needs of migrant children. The program is an addition to the supplemental services already being received by students and provided for all children through the Los Angeles Unified School District.
The children of migratory workers, ages 3 to 21, whose parents or other members of their nuclear family have worked in, either, fishing, agriculture, dairy, food processing (packing), forestry, or livestock industries within the last 36 months are eligible. During the move to do this temporary work, the parents, or a relative, must have taken the student away from his/her regular school district to a different school district, whether or not the student attended school at the second location.
Migrant children need special services because most are not working at grade level and must be helped to meet state and district standards. On average, they attend 3 different schools in one year. Sixth-grade surveys indicate that most migrant children plan to complete high school, but a large number drop out before graduation.
District Programs Available
Saturday School Classes – Our curriculum is aligned to state and national standards, is researched based, and contains relevant, high-interest content and concepts. Classes emphasize English Language Development, Reading and Writing skills based on District and State Standards. Since Pre-K to adult classes are offered, all of the family members are able to enjoy Saturday Sessions of learning and fun.
Extended Day Program – After school program for grades K-12 offered in selected schools. We work with teachers in providing standards-based instruction to strengthen literacy, science & math skills.
Summer Program – Migrant students, grades, K-6, are invited to attend summer school at a selected site. Teachers use a thematic, hands-on interdisciplinary approach to instruction, with a focus on math/science and language.
Support Services Available
Transportation – District school buses transport students who participate in our Saturday Program and for other selected activities.
Health Services – Through the Los Angeles County Office of Education (L.A.C.O.E.), Dental Screening and Dental Clinics are provided for Migrant students with the greatest need. Where other medical concerns arise, referrals are made to L.A.C.O.E.’s Health Coordinator who, in turn, finds medical services for the students and their families.
Parent Involvement - Parent workshops and trainings are given throughout the year. These include, but are not limited to, family literacy, math/science and parenting skills. Parents are also able to participate in the Parent Advisory Council.