- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services (CCIS)
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Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services
Program Description
Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services (CCIS) is dedicated to restoring and maintaining safe, healthy, and nurturing learning environments for students and staff in the aftermath of critical incidents impacting schools and school communities. Comprised of Psychiatric Social Workers (PSWs) and Mental Health Practitioners (MHPs), CCIS provides resilience and trauma informed supportive services to all Los Angeles Unified stakeholders – students, staff, and parents and caregivers. CCIS plays an essential role in the development of District policies aimed at culturally responsive crisis response and intervention, suicide prevention, and threat management. CCIS staff provides capacity building training and consultation to promote prevention strategies, mitigate risk, and reduce the impact of crises in schools and communities.
Program Services- Culturally responsive mental health consultation and support via the Student and Family Wellness Hotline
- Policy development and implementation related to crisis response, suicide prevention, and threat management
- Professional development and psychoeducation for students, staff, and parents and caregivers
- Crisis intervention and support to multidisciplinary crisis teams in schools, Regions, and the District
- Partnership with the Los Angeles School Police Department to provide compassionate field intervention, triage, and appropriate linkages and services to students and staff experiencing a mental health crisis
- Culturally responsive support and case management for students who engage in high-risk behaviors with homicidal and suicidal ideation
- Collaboration with school, District, community agencies, and city and county partners to maintain safety, mitigate the risk for violence, manage threats of violence, and promote community safety
CCIS Central Staff Directory
Name Title Email Ailleth Tom Torrico Coordinator ailleth.tom@lausd.net Central and Hotline Staff Maribel Ceja Zamora Psychiatric Social Worker maribel.cejazamora@lausd.net Dione Childress Psychiatric Social Worker dione.childress@lausd.net Olga Jurado Psychiatric Social Worker olga.jurado@lausd.net Sandy Marroquin Psychiatric Social Worker sandy.ramos@lausd.net Patricia Saldana Psychiatric Social Worker patricia.saldana@lausd.net Beyond the Bell Jeffrey King Mental Health Consultant jeffrey.king@lausd.net Janelle Marin Mental Health Consultant janelle.marin@lausd.net Jessica Palacio Mental Health Consultant jessica.palacio@lausd.net Charter Operated Program Lenore Pallares Organization Facilitator lpallare@lausd.net Student Discipline and Expulsion Support Courtney Pender Mental Health Consultant courtney.pender@lausd.net -
Case Management Team (CMT)
In CCIS, CMT Mental Health Practitioners (MHPs) provide case management and follow‐up services for high‐risk cases involving students who attend LA Unified schools. The team is dedicated to monitoring, managing, and reducing risk among cases that involve students who engage in high-risk threat/risk behaviors, with homicidal intent/ideation and/or severe suicidal ideation/behaviors, due to mental illness.
Students are identified for services by Psychiatric Social Workers and other school staff, SHHS Student Discipline and Expulsion Support Unit, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LAC DMH), Los Angeles Threat Assessment Response Partners (LA TARP), and Regions. For the referral link, email cmt@lausd.net.Handouts/Resources:
CMT Parent - Flyer (English & Spanish)
CMT Pre-Referral Interventions & Resources - Form
Case Management Team (CMT) Staff:
Name Title Email Ailleth Tom Torrico Coordinator ailleth.tom@lausd.net Stephan Blustajn Specialist, CMT stephan.blustajn@lausd.net Stacey Callis Mental Health Practitioner sjc0721@lausd.net Erika Cuevas Mental Health Practitioner erika.cuevas@lausd.net Ruth Montiel Mental Health Practitioner rem0287@lausd.net Qi’Shanna Patton Mental Health Practitioner qishanna.patton@lausd.net Laura Solis Mental Health Practitioner laura.solis@lausd.net -
Central CCIS & Student and Family Wellness Hotline
In CCIS, Psychiatric Social Workers provide the following supportive services:
- Support and consultation on the L.A. Unified Student and Family Wellness Hotline
- Intensive risk management via monthly Los Angeles Threat Assessment Response Partners (LA TARP) meetings
- District policy development, implementation, and training:
- BUL-5800.1 Crisis Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
- BUL-2637.5 Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
- BUL-5799.2 Threat Assessment and Management
- Professional development and training:
- Psychological First Aid
- Crisis Response and Intervention
- Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
- Threat Assessment and Management
- Trauma Informed Services
- Staff Resilience and Wellness
Charter Operated Programs (COP)
The COP Mental Health Team provides consultation regarding the social-emotional well-being and mental health of students, an assessment of needs, as well as professional development. Training topics include suicide prevention, threat assessment and risk management, bullying prevention, and multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). In addition, the team facilitates school crisis response and recovery supports that is inclusive of community agency collaboration and linkage to services.
Request Support from the COP Mental Health Team:
Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET)
The Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET) is a partnership between the Los Angeles School Police Department (LASPD) and School Mental Health, Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services. MHET provides compassionate field intervention, triage, and appropriate linkages and services in situations involving students and staff dealing with or suffering from a mental health crisis. The teams are comprised of a Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) and an LASPD Officer who assess for suicide, homicidal risk, and/or gravely disabled and determine whether criteria is met for a clinical evaluation, pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code 5150 and 5585. MHET works in collaboration with the individual, their family, school staff, and other relevant stakeholders to gather information and develop an action plan to mitigate the associated risk.
Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET) Staff:
Name Title Email Ailleth Tom Torrico Coordinator ailleth.tom@lausd.net Nicole McMahon Specialist, MHET nicole.mcmahon@lausd.net Brandee Brown Mental Health Practitioner brandee.brown@lausd.net Samantha Camerano Mental Health Practitioner samantha.camerano@lausd.net Jaime Corral Mental Health Practitioner jaime.corral@lausd.net Melinda Duran Mental Health Practitioner mad9813@lausd.net Susan Martinez Mental Health Practitioner sym5708@lausd.net Kelly Ramirez Mental Health Practitioner kelly.ramirez@lausd.net Yesenia Valadez Mental Health Practitioner yxv8852@lausd.net Los Angeles School Police Department (LASPD) Sgt. Covarrubias Sergeant benjamin.covarrubias@laschoolpolice.gov Edmundo Acosta Police Officer edmond.acosta@laschoolpolice.gov Julio Galvez Police Officer julio.galvez@laschoolpolice.gov David Llamas Police Officer david.llamas@laschoolpolice.gov Marco Renteria Police Officer mar1347@laschoolpolice.gov Armando Rodriguez Police Officer axr5296@laschoolpolice.gov Joel Saravia Police Officer jxs3656@laschoolpolice.gov Yesenia Sifuentes Police Officer yesenia.mireles@laschoolpolice.gov
LaKisha Johnson, LCSW, PPSC, M.Ed.
E: lakisha.bridgewater@lausd.netAdministrative Coordinator:
Elena Jimenez, LCSW, PPSC, M.Ed.
E: elena.jimenez@lausd.netCoordinator:
Ailleth Tom Torrico, LCSW
E: ailleth.tom@lausd.netAddress:
333 S. Beaudry Avenue, 29th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017Specialist, MHET:Nicole McMahon, LCSW