Great Outcomes

Great Outcomes (GO) is an initiative to promote a college-going culture and greater educational outcomes for all qualified L.A. Unified students. GO prepares students to earn a high school diploma and guarantees qualified students a place in college. This initiative is possible through the partnership of L.A. Unified, California State Los Angeles, Los Angeles City College, and East Los Angeles College.
What GO Offers
The GO partnership provides schools with resources and support to further enhance their college and career culture.
- Cal State LA guarantees admission to all qualified L.A. Unified students who meet the minimum requirements for entry into the Cal State University System.
- ELAC, LACC, and LATTC guarantees admission to all qualified L.A. Unified students into a first-year program that will allow full-time enrollment in courses leading to college completion.
- ELAC and LACC provide free noncredit ESL and vocational courses for parents and family members at their L.A. Unified location.
- Cal State LA guarantees admission to all ELAC, LACC, and LATTC students meeting minimum transfer requirements to Cal State LA.
- ELAC provides Extended Orientation to prospective attendees.
Who's Eligible?
Any graduating L.A. Unified student who has met their A-G requirements is eligible for enrollment into Cal State LA with Great Outcomes.
Want to Know More?
Contact your school counselor to learn more about the Great Outcomes program.