MSD_District Nursing Services Branch Banner
  • Resources

  • Oral Health Program

    The District Nursing Services Oral Health Program mission is to improve the health, attendance and academic achievement of all students by reducing dental disease.  Through the Oral Health Program efforts, students, parents, community, teachers and staff receive oral health education and resources for dental services. 

    The District Nursing Services Oral Health Program works closely with the LA Trust for Children’s Health, Dental Providers, community partnerships and stakeholders to increase the number of oral health services for LAUSD students.

    The Oral Health Strategic Plan focus is on prevention and treatment of dental disease and the education of parents and the community to encourage enrollment into a dental home.  The Oral Health Resource Nurses work in collaboration with various Dental Providers throughout LAUSD who offer education, dental screening and fluoride varnish programs and restorative care to thousands of LAUSD students. 

    School Nurses work in conjunction with the Oral Health Resource Nurses’ help to identify students with dental needs, resources and follow-up.  Through combined efforts, students and families are linked to much needed care, which in turn reassures prevention of dental disease.



    Program Contact:

    Clare Reid, RN, MSN, MA
    Coordinator, Special Programs
    List of Dental Clinics: 
    By Area: 


  • Reporting

  • Animal BitesSuspected Child Abuse buttonSuspected Adult Abuse button





    Contact Info

    121 N. Beaudry Ave.,
    Los Angeles, CA 90012 
    P: (213) 202-7580
    F: (213) 580-6557

    Sosse Bedrossian, MSN, MA, RN, FNP-C


    Quick Links

    Registered-Nursing License Renewal button

    Vocational Nursing Lisense Renewal button

    Cafe LA Menu and Carbohydrate - button

    Commission on Teacher Credentialing button

    Employment Opportunities button

    Frequently Asked Questions button