- Los Angeles Unified School District
- A-G Students and Families Resources
A-G Intervention and Support
Navigating a Path to Graduating College and Career Ready
LAUSD Graduation Requirements
The District remains committed to providing a quality education for every student in a safe, caring environment and providing pathways to ensure students graduate college and career ready. LAUSD has set the graduation requirements for the Class of 2022 and beyond to include: “A-G” course sequence that aligns with the minimum “A-G” course sequence requirements for California State Universities, the California Department of Education course requirements, and other LAUSD course and non-course requirements.
Non-negotiable requirements
History/Social Sciences
3 Years
Must include 1 year of World History, 1 year of U.S. History, 1 semester of Government, and 1 semester of Economics.
4 Years
Students must take their grade-level English course each year.
3 Years
Algebra 1 passed in middle school does not earn high school graduation credits for the classes of 2023 and beyond. In addition to math taken in middle school, students must still take 3 years of math in grades 9-11.
Laboratory Science
2 Years
Must include 1 year of physical science and 1 year of biological science.
Language Other Than English
2 Years
Must include 2 years of the same language. Students may possibly take a course equivalent to the 2nd level high school course or demonstrate proficiency by exam.
Visual & Performing Arts
1 Year
Must be 1 year (two semesters) in the same discipline.
College Preparatory Elective
1 Year
May not be an introductory or level 1 course.
Physical Education
2 Years
Includes 1 year of Advanced PE 1AB and 1 year of Advanced PE 2AB. School-sponsored, CIF-sanctioned, interscholastic competitive athletics may be considered for PE graduation credit.
1 Semester
Ethnic Studies
1 Semester
Will be required beginning with the graduating class of 2027.
Service Learning Project - must be completed in grades 9-12
- Projects meet the needs of the student’s community while being integrated with a rigorous academic curriculum, giving students the opportunity to enhance their intellectual and personal development.
Career Pathway - In 9th grade students evaluate their interests and abilities and identify a career pathway to pursue (e.g. Medicine and Health, Arts and Media, General Business).
- During the Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) meetings, counselors document students’ chosen career pathways and assist them in aligning the pathway with related Career Technical Education (CTE) courses that meet the “G” section of their A-G requirements.
Numerical Credit Requirement - 210 credits needed to graduate
- Semester courses earn 5 credits.
- Yearlong courses earn 10 credits.
- Exams do not earn any credits.
The ABC's of the A-G Course Sequence
Students must take the following A-G courses in order to meet the minimum LAUSD graduation requirements. Many of the courses overlap with the California Department of Education (CDE) requirements. When the CDE requirement is greater than the A-G requirement, the difference is noted in the description. Grades of “D” or better will be counted towards meeting the LAUSD graduation requirements. To meet University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) eligibility, a grade of “C” or better is required. Counselors meet with students each semester to review the Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) and the College and Career Readiness Guide.
A-G refers to the seven academic subject areas that high school students are required to pass with a grade of “C” or better to be eligible for UC and CSU admission.
The A-G curriculum comprises core subjects and elective courses that involve substantial reading, writing, problem solving and laboratory work (as appropriate), and show serious attention to analytical thinking, factual content and development of students’ oral and listening skills.
Students who have successfully met A-G requirements have attained a body of general knowledge that will provide breadth and perspective to the new, more advanced demands of college coursework and rewarding careers in the 21st century.
The “A” requirement for graduation is 2 years of social science. However, the CDE requires 4 specific courses and 3 years of history/social science.
These 4 specific courses are:
- World History AB
- U.S. History AB
- Principles of American Democracy (Government)
- Economics (counts as a “G” elective)
These courses are used to fulfill the “A” requirement. Any additional social science courses can be used for elective credit to meet the “G” requirement. There is no validation. Students must take and pass each course.
The “B” requirement for graduation is 4 years of English Language Arts.
Note: Literature and Language and Advanced ELD courses may be used to substitute the “B” requirement once the grade-level course has been attempted. Because these courses are “B” approved, a maximum of two semesters (10 credits) may be used to satisfy this requirement. However, UC requires that students pass non-ELD “B” approved English courses in the senior year.
Sample Courses:
- English 9 AB
- English 10 AB
- American Literature/Contemporary Composition
The “C” requirement for graduation is 3 years of mathematics. The CDE requires students to take and pass Algebra 1. Note: All students must take 3 years of math in high school regardless of the math courses completed in middle school.
Sample Courses:
- Algebra 1
- Geometry AB
- Algebra 2 AB
- A grade of “C” or better in the first semester of Algebra 2 validates both semesters of Algebra 1.
- A grade of “C” or better in an advanced math course will validate the entire high school college preparatory sequence.
- A grade of “C” or better in Statistics will only validate Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, not Geometry.
- Students applying to CSU and UC must complete a Geometry course.
The “D” requirement for graduation is 2 years of laboratory science. One year must be a physical science and one year must be a biological science.
Sample Courses:
- Biology AB
- Chemistry AB
- A grade of a “C” or better in the second semester of chemistry will validate a “D” in the first semester for CSU.
- Validation may not be used to meet the CDE graduation science requirement.
The “E” requirement for graduation is 2 years of a language other than English. (The 2 years must be in the same language).
Sample Courses:
- Spanish 1 AB and Spanish 2 AB
- French 1 AB and French 2 AB
- A grade of “C” or better in a semester of a higher-level course validates a lower-level course.
- A higher-level LOTE course can validate the appropriate number of years based on the level.
Note: Students who take Spanish for Spanish Speakers are required to pass Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1B with a grade of “C” or better to meet the LOTE requirement.
The “F” requirement for graduation is 1 year-long course or two-semester courses in visual and performing arts. Both semesters must be from the same discipline (Dance, Theater, Visual Arts, or Music).
Sample Courses:
- Dance AB
- Theatre Intro AB
- Intro Art AB
- Instruments AB
There is no validation. Students must take and pass each course.
The “G” requirement for graduation is 1 year of approved college prep electives.
Sample Courses:
- Economics (required for CDE)
- AP Psychology AB
- Journalism 1AB
There is no validation. Students must take and pass each course.
Credit Recovery Opportunity Pathways
Adult Education offers students a way to recover credits by taking evening classes at campuses throughout the district.
Digital Blended and Virtual Learning platforms such as APEX/Edmentum and Edgenuity/Imagine Learning provide a variety of courses. Students who work effectively in computer–based learning environments can recover needed credits before, during, or after the school day.
Independent Study offers students a flexible pace to recover credits by entering into a written contract with the teacher of record, their parent, and the school counselor that specifies the requirements.
Performance Assessment Student Support (PASS) is a modular program that meets the needs of students who have failed math or ELA classes to recover missing credits. Students proceed through each module at their own pace as they demonstrate mastery, and are provided differentiated instruction on concepts needing further reinforcement. Once students demonstrate proficiency in each module, they can earn a passing grade and recover missing credits. Courses are held outside of the school day to support students in this personalized learning experience, and additional social-emotional care is provided by a school site coordinator/counselor.
Recovery + Intervention = Graduation (RIG) is a system whereby students can recover credits for failed classes by taking up to 2 pass-thru classes at an options school site during the school day, while remaining enrolled at the comprehensive high school. RIG classes are also offered after school and in the evening, providing maximum flexibility for students to complete A-G course credits. Partnerships have been created between several comprehensive high schools and their co-located option schools to offer these courses.
School Day Courses is a traditional approach for students to recover credits needed by retaking courses in their daily school schedule.
Extended Learning Opportunity
Students Taking Action for Readiness (STAR) is an extended learning program that offers extended time at the end of the semester for students to demonstrate proficiency of the course content and earn a higher course mark. Students enter into a written contract with the teacher of record, their parent, and the school counselor that specifies the requirements.
Edgenuity/Imagine Learning Booster Modules help students get back on track and provide them an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in ELA, math, history, and/or science by focusing on priority standards. Modules cover key concepts and skills and include a pre-test, end-of-unit tests, and a cumulative post-test.