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  • Homeless Education Office

    The Homeless Education Office (HEO) was designed to provide assistance to homeless students and families in compliance with the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, an integral part of No Child Left Behind. The HEO personnel work in collaboration with school personnel and community service agencies in an effort to maximize access to various educational, social and enrichment programs which promote academic success and student achievement.

    The LAUSD HEO is staffed by a Coordinator, District Support PSA Counselor, six Title I Homeless PSA Counselors, ten PSA Aides, three Counselor Aides, a Senior Parent Community Facilitator, and a Senior Office Technician. The HEO works to serve the identified students and families that are experiencing homelessness within our District boundaries. 



    • Provide ongoing training, technical assistance and advocacy District-wide to ensure federal statutes and District policy are being followed in regards to homeless students in the LAUSD.
    • Remove barriers to academic success for McKinney Vento eligible students by providing needed supplies such as backpacks, school supplies, clothing, transportation, etc.
    • Educate students and parents on their educational rights.
    • Promote parent participation in school related activities.




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  • Contact

    Denise Miranda, Ed. D.
    333 S. Beaudry Ave. 29th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017
     P: (213) 241-3840
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