Wellness Programs

  • Community Partners

    The Student Mental Health and Wellness Services (SMHWS) has the responsibility to provide support to the Wellness Programs Partner Directory instructional program and reduce barriers to the academic achievement of students. Schools are encouraged to collaborate with city, county and community-based health and human services for improved child, youth, and family outcomes.

    In order for a community-based agency or non-District personnel to render volunteer health and non-health services on a school campus, a completed and executed Agreement (Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) or Operating Agreement and Service Delivery Application (S.D.A.) must be on file with the Division of Student Health and Human Services. Each Region has an Organization Facilitator (O.F.) that develops the agreement with the school site personnel and provider. The O.F. is responsible for verifying that the packet and documentation is complete and facilitates submission to the appropriate SHHS Department. BUL- 076705 Establishing No-Cost Health, Non-Health and Mental Health Services MOUs and Agreements on School Campuses.



  • List of Organization Facilitators

    The Wellness Programs department is responsible for facilitating the coordination of an array of partnerships that provide on campus services at no cost to students and families.  Wellness Programs support schools to establish partnerships with city, county and community-based organizations that address the needs of the whole school, whole community and whole child.  We know that health, mental health, wellness, and safety are essential for effective teaching and learning.  Wellness Programs is committed to supporting the instructional program by reducing and eliminating barriers to student learning. To explore Whole-Child opportunities available for your school, contact your Wellness Organization Facilitator.

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Operating Agreement Process

    1. Provider and school determine a need for a school-based service.
    2. Provider and school principal contact Regional Organization Facilitator (O.F.).
    3. Region O.F. develops an M.O.U. or Operating Agreement with provider and school personnel.
    4. Provider completes M.O.U and Service Delivery Application (S.D.A).
    5. Provider and school principal review M.O.U. and S.D.A. and sign documents as evidence of approval.
    6. Provider submits signed M.O.U., S.D.A., and accompanying documents to Region O.F.
    7. O.F. reviews M.O.U., S.DA., and documentation and signs approval.
    8. O.F. secures necessary signatures from Region and Central offices.
    9. O.F. notifies the school and provider of MOU/SDA approval and when services may begin.


  • DMH MOU Staff List - button

  • Region East