- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Community Partners
Community Partners Community Partners Community Partners
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Healthy Start Program Healthy Start Program Healthy Start Program
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Mindfulness for Staff Mindfulness for Staff Mindfulness for Staff
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Community Partners
The Student Mental Health and Wellness Services (SMHWS) has the responsibility to provide support to the
instructional program and reduce barriers to the academic achievement of students. Schools are encouraged to collaborate with city, county and community-based health and human services for improved child, youth, and family outcomes.
In order for a community-based agency or non-District personnel to render volunteer health and non-health services on a school campus, a completed and executed Agreement (Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) or Operating Agreement and Service Delivery Application (S.D.A.) must be on file with the Division of Student Health and Human Services. Each Region has an Organization Facilitator (O.F.) that develops the agreement with the school site personnel and provider. The O.F. is responsible for verifying that the packet and documentation is complete and facilitates submission to the appropriate SHHS Department. BUL- 076705 Establishing No-Cost Health, Non-Health and Mental Health Services MOUs and Agreements on School Campuses.
List of Organization Facilitators
The Wellness Programs department is responsible for facilitating the coordination of an array of partnerships that provide on campus services at no cost to students and families. Wellness Programs support schools to establish partnerships with city, county and community-based organizations that address the needs of the whole school, whole community and whole child. We know that health, mental health, wellness, and safety are essential for effective teaching and learning. Wellness Programs is committed to supporting the instructional program by reducing and eliminating barriers to student learning. To explore Whole-Child opportunities available for your school, contact your Wellness Organization Facilitator.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Operating Agreement Process
- Provider and school determine a need for a school-based service.
- Provider and school principal contact Regional Organization Facilitator (O.F.).
- Region O.F. develops an M.O.U. or Operating Agreement with provider and school personnel.
- Provider completes M.O.U and Service Delivery Application (S.D.A).
- Provider and school principal review M.O.U. and S.D.A. and sign documents as evidence of approval.
- Provider submits signed M.O.U., S.D.A., and accompanying documents to Region O.F.
- O.F. reviews M.O.U., S.DA., and documentation and signs approval.
- O.F. secures necessary signatures from Region and Central offices.
- O.F. notifies the school and provider of MOU/SDA approval and when services may begin.
Region East
School Name
Network of Schools (CoS)
Organization Facilitator (OF)
OF Email Address
10th Street Elementary School
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
1st St Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
20th St Elementary School
South LA
Martha Godinez
28th St Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
28th St Elementary School
South LA
Martha Godinez
2nd St Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
49th St Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
4th St Elementary School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
4th St Primary Center
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
4th Street Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
9th St Elementary School
South LA
Martha Godinez
Adams Middle School
South LA
Martha Godinez
Albion Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Albion Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Aldama Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Alexandria Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Alexandria Elementary School
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Amanacer Primary Center
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Ann St. Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Annandale Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Anton Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Anton Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Arroyo Seco Span
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Ascot Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Aurora Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Bell High School
Linda Cortez
Belmont High School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Belvedere Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Belvedere Middle School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Boyle Heights High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Bravo Medical Magnet High School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Breed Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Bridge Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Brooklyn Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Brooklyn SPAN
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Bryson Elementary School
South Gate
Linda Cortez
Buchanan Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Burbank Middle School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Bushnell Way Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Carver Middle School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Castelar Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Castelar Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Castro Middle School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
CDS Elementary
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
CDS Secondary
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Central High School (Tri-C)
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Chavez Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
City of Angels Independent Study
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
City Terrace Elementary School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Clinton Middle School
South LA
Martha Godinez
Commonwealth Elementary School
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Contreras High School Business
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Contreras High School Global
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Contreras High School Leadership
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Corona Elementary School
Linda Cortez
Cortines High School
Crisalia Aranibar
Cruz Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Dacotah Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Dahlia Heights Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Del Olmo Elementary School
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Delevan Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Dena Elementary School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Downtown Magnet High School
Crisalia Aranibar
Eagle Rock Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Eagle Rock Span
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Early College Acad High School
South LA
Martha Godinez
Eastman Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Eastman Elementary School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
El Sereno Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
El Sereno Elementary School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
El Sereno Middle School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Elizabeth Learning Center
Linda Cortez
Escalante Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Escalante Elementary School
Linda Cortez
Escutia Primary Center
Linda Cortez
Bell/Cudahy/Maywood Esparanza Elementary School
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Estrella Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Estrella Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Euclid Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Evergreen Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Evergreen Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Farmdale Elementary School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Fishburn Elementary School
Linda Cortez
Florence Elementary School
South LA
Martha Godinez
Ford St Elementary School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Franklin High School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Gage Middle School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Garfield High School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Garvanza Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Garza Primary Center
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Gates Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Gates Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Glen Alta Span
Crisalia Aranibar
Gratts Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Gratts Learning Academy for Young Scholars
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Grifffin Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Griffith Middle School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Hamasaki Elementary School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Harmony Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Harrison Elementary School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Heliotrope Elementary School
Linda Cortez
Highland Park High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Hillside Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Hollenbeck Middle School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Holmes Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Holmes Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Hooper Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Hooper Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Hooper Primary Center
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Hope Elementary School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Huerta Elementary School
South LA
Martha Godinez
Hughes Elementary School
Linda Cortez
Humphreys Elementary School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Huntington Dr Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Huntington Park Elementary School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Huntinguton Park High School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Independence Elementary School
South Gate
Linda Cortez
International Learning Center
South Gate
Linda Cortez
Jefferson High School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Kahlo High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Kennedy Elementary School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
LA Academy Middle School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Lafayette Park Primary Center
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Lake St Primary Center
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Lane Elementary School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Latona Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Legacy High School Steam
South Gate
Linda Cortez
Legacy High School VAPA
South Gate
Linda Cortez
Liberty Elementary School
South Gate
Linda Cortez
Liechty Middle School
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Lilian Elementary School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Lincoln High School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Lizarraga Elementary School
South LA
Martha Godinez
Logan Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Logan Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Lorena Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Loreto Elementary School
Crisalia Aranibar
Lorna Vista Elementary School
Linda Cortez
MacArthur Park Elementary School
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
MACES High School
Linda Cortez
Madison Elementary School
South Gate
Linda Cortez
Main Street Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Malabar Elementary School
Boyle Heights
Ricardo Lopez
Maple Primary Center
South LA
Martha Godinez
Marianna Elementary School
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez
Marquez High School SJ
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Marquez High School HPIAM
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Marquez High School LIBRA
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Maya Angelou High School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Maywood Academy High School
Linda Cortez
Maywood Elementary School
Linda Cortez
McAuliffe Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
McAlister High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Mendez High School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Meridian Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Metropolitan High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Middleton Elementary School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Middleton Primary Center
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Contreras High School Social Justice
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Miles Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Miles Elementary School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Montara Elementary School
South Gate
Linda Cortez
Monte Vista Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Crisalia Aranibar
Monte Vista Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Monterey High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Mt Washington Elementary School
Eagle Rock/Highland Park
Maral Mary Sousani
Multnomah Elementary School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Murchison Early Education Center
Early Education Centers
Ricardo Lopez
Murchison Elementary School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Nava College Prep
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Nava Learning Center
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Nevin Elementary School
Historic Central Ave
Crisalia Aranibar
Newmark High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Nightingale Middle School
Lincoln Heights/El Sereno
Maral Mary Sousani
Nimitz Middle School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Nueva Vista Elementary School
Linda Cortez
Ochoa Learning Center
Linda Cortez
Odyssey High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Olympic Primary Center
Macarthur Park
Linda Cortez
Options Pueblo de LA High School
Continuation Schools
Crisalia Aranibar
Orchard 2B Middle School
Linda Cortez
Orchard 2C Middle School
Linda Cortez
Ortho Mag High School
South LA
Martha Godinez
Pacific Blvd Elementary School
Huntington Park/Vernon
Martha Godinez
Park Elementary School
Linda Cortez
Perez Career and Transition Center
East Los Angeles
Ricardo Lopez