English Learners and Students with Disabilities

  • Students with disabilities have the same access to the current English Language Development (ELD) instruction and infrastructure at school sites as their nondisabled peers. The District provides services to ELs that are mandated by federal and state laws. These include, when necessary, ELD instruction and any necessary supports to provide ELs with access to the core curriculum.

    All schools inform parents during initial enrollment and annually of the instructional program options that are available to students, as well as of their right to apply for a Parental Exception Waiver from the EL Program. EL Program options information is provided orally and in writing, using language and materials designed to be readily understandable to the parent. To inform parents of the instructional program options, schools provide parents a copy of the Initial Notification of Enrollment in Instructional Programs for English Learners, Annual Assessment Results and Program Placement for English Learners Letter, Instructional Programs for English Learners parent brochure and video, and the Parent Notification of Reclassification Criteria.

    All ELs, including those with disabilities, are assessed each year on their progress toward meeting the California English Language Development Standards. EL students are assessed annually either with the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) or the Ventura County Comprehensive Alternate Language Assessment (VCCALPS).  ELs with disabilities may be tested using the California Department of Education (CDE)-approved Testing Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications Matrix, which is updated annually. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) team documents in the student’s IEP any accommodations or modifications used both for assessments and for classroom ELD instruction.

    As with all English learners, ELs with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) are expected to make progress in English language proficiency and academic content mastery. To attain this, the instructional programs for ELs with IEPs will include ELD as a component of their core instruction, as well as access to core content using Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and other research-based instructional methodologies appropriate for ELs with disabilities.



    Guidelines for IEP Teams on the Reclassification Procedures for Secondary LTELs in Grades 6-12


    Scheduling Appropriate English Language Development (ELD) Instruction for Secondary English Learners with Disabilities


     IEP Guidelines for Documenting English Language Development (ELD) Instruction for Students with Disabilities


    Reclassification of English Learners, Grades K-12


    Initial Notification Requirements for Parents of English Learners (K-12) 


    Annual Notification Requirements for Parents of English Learners (K-12)


    Annual Alternate Assessment of the English Language Proficiency Levels of Students with Disabilities on the Alternate Curriculum


    Instructional Minutes for English Learners in ELD and ELA in Elementary Schools K-5/6


     Determining the Appropriate Educational Placement for Students with Disabilities in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)


    2019-20 Initial English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Requirements for Principals, Coordinators, and Support Staff


    LAUSD Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines for English Language Proficiency  Assessments for California Assessments


    Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports


    Multi-Tiered System (MTSS) of Behavior Support for Students with Disabilities


    A Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework for the Student Support and Progress Team

    Presentation on IEP Goals for English Language Development in Welligent

     CA ELD Standards

    2018 Master Plan for English Learners and Standard English Learners (English)

    2018 Master Plan for English Learners and Standard English Learners (Spanish) 

    English Learner Instructional Approaches - Page 1

    English Learner Instructional Approaches - Page 2


    Additional Information