SpEd Menu

Division of Special Education

  • Special Education Instruction

  • The special education instructional support teams are focused on ensuring
    high quality teaching and learning in every classroom.

    From preschool and the early elementary years to high school and career readiness programs, the instructional support teams equip schools, teachers, related services staff, para-educators, parents, and students with the tools and strategies for learning in the 21st Century.

    Our instructional support teams provide support and services to help all students with disabilities succeed in school and transition to a productive life with meaningful experiences in college and/or careers.

  • K-12 Instructional Programs

    Teacher and Student
    No two students are the same. Each student and each student’s abilities are different

    The purpose of the Special Education's Department of Instruction is to assist special education teachers and District staff in working collaboratively with students and families to develop and implement the Individualized Education Program that is tailored to students’ individualized needs.

    Although it was once believed that students with disabilities should be taught together in separate settings apart from other children, we now know that all students benefit when all students are educated together in inclusive classrooms and schools. For more information of inclusion, visit https://www.lausd.org/spedInclusion

The Alternate Curriculum

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LAUSD alternate curriculum programs and inclusion service support provide students with academic instruction, employment readiness, and social skills instruction to be prepared for independent living and employment. The course of study includes English language arts, math, social studies, science, life skills and social skills. The alternate curriculum is modified standards-based core curriculum designed for students with moderate-severe disabilities who are not able to access the core general education curriculum without significant modifications.

LAUSD’s Core Curriculum Programs support students with the accommodations and services needed to participate in the general education curriculum. Students with disabilities deserve access to the same rigor and grade level Common Core standards that their general education peers receive so they are prepared for success in college and careers. In order to meet these high expectations, students with disabilities receive instruction that incorporates supports such as Universal Design for Learning, instructional accommodations and/or access to assistive technology.  

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) program serves eligible students with a documented hearing loss that negatively impacts communication skills and/or access to their curriculum (core or alternate). Services are provided to students from ages 3 to 22 through the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Itinerant Program or Special Day Program. A major focus of DHH services is on the development of receptive and expressive language skills, listening skills, and self-advocacy skills with emphasis on the use of residual hearing and hearing technology such as bone anchored hearing aids, digital hearing aids, and cochlear implants. Additional support services include Audiology.  DHH Itinerant students receive specially designed instruction and services in general education classrooms, special day programs (other than a DHH special day program) and special schools.  The DHH Itinerant Program also offers Listening and Spoken Language Intervention/Auditory Verbal Therapy to students who qualify.  DHH Special Day Programs promote academic progress by developing language and literacy skills utilizing spoken language, total communication or dual language (American Sign Language and English) methodologies with the goal of students acquiring language skills on par with typical hearing peers. Some students utilize the services of sign language interpreters to participate in general education classes and extra-curricular activities. Collaboration with general education teachers, school staff and parents is essential.

DHH Programs:
o Listening and Spoken Language Special Day Programs 
o Signing Special Day Programs
o Marlton School, District School for the Deaf

DHH Services:
o DHH Itinerant services
o Auditory Verbal Therapy/Listening and Spoken Language Intervention

PDF icon  Auditory Verbal Therapy Brochure
PDF icon  Position Paper: Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) - Fall 2016

For more information, contact Theana Kezios, Coordinator of Low Incidence Programs:

Email icon tdk0434@lausd.net

DOTS icon District Office of Transition Services (DOTS)
The transition process prepares students for adult life by focusing on the areas of post-secondary education, employment, community participation, and independent living skills. Visit the DOTS website.

The Visually Impaired (VI) program provides services to students ages 3-22 with visual impairments whose vision loss meets the legal standard as either legally blind or partially sighted and negatively impacts their ability to access core curriculum and/or acquire the skills necessary to participate in fundamental life activities.   BPS service delivery options include instruction from an itinerant teacher of the visually impaired (TVI) in the following settings: the general education classroom, the special education classroom, a specially equipped low incidence learning center (LILC) or resource room.  The TVI instructs students with visual impairments in the use of the specialized materials and equipment necessary to access the curriculum including, but not limited to, specialized books, materials, braille and accompanying devices, large type, audio recordings, tactual diagrams and technological aids. Additional support services include Orientation and Mobility, Braille transcription and reader services for the blind.  Teachers of the visually impaired implement the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) in their instruction to address the student’s unique educational needs to access the same academic or alternative curriculum as their sighted peers.

Position Paper:

PDF icon  Blind/Partially Sighted (BPS) - Visual Impairment (VI) - Fall 2016


For more information, contact Low Incidence Programs:

(213) 241-8051

  •  Los Angeles Unified School District ♦ Division of Special Education 

    333 South Beaudry Avenue, 17th Floor, Los Angeles, CA  90017