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Photo of Lydia Acosta Stephens, Executive Director · Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department

I am honored to lead our department, serving over 200,000 students, each with individual needs and unique pathways to academic success. We understand that our students require enriched language supports in every learning environment, and realize the urgency to ensure a relevant and rigorous educational program is accessible to all. Our educational programs for students are tailored to meet the individual learning needs of our diverse English learners and all language learners on their pathway to bilingualism and biliteracy. Our educational programs reflect updated research, practice, monitoring, and resources on instructional delivery models. Programs such as Dual Language Education and World Languages are open to all. We continue to work together towards bilingualism and biliteracy for all by ensuring equity, access and opportunities for all students regardless of the learning environment. At MMED, we fundamentally believe that we must all “be the light, be of service and be the solution”.

- Lydia Acosta Stephens, Executive Director

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