• Professional Development for ED SDP Teachers:  
    In Person meetings: Registration not required - walk-ins welcome

    These professional development workshops will be led by District staff from the Division of Special Education, Behavior Support Unit. The workshops will focus on providing instructional and behavioral support for students with emotional disturbance (ED) who participate in ED Special Day Programs. These workshops will offer opportunities to network with colleagues, share best practices, and obtain resources and evidence-based strategies to implement in the classroom. There will also be time for participants to ask questions and problem-solve with the workshop facilitators.

    Professional development provided will be available as in-person. Meeting participants will have the opportunity to attend any of the professional development meetings scheduled for the 2016-2017 school year. It is expected that teachers attend one in-person training each month it is offered (i.e. September 2016, October, 2016, February 2017, and March 2017). Locations to be determined.

    For assistance or additional information, please contact: Julie Walberg, Behavior Specialist, at jaw5007@lausd.net