• Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) Training:  
    Log on to the Learning Zone using your Single Sign-On, Program: Special Education, Keyword: Functional Behavior Assessment.
    Functional Behavior Assessments are conducted when behaviors of students with disabilities impede learning and have not improved through the ongoing implementation of Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).

    The Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) in-person training is a mandatory, two-day training. School sites must have a minimum of one full-time certificated staff member trained to conduct FBAs and/or consult with the school site. Schools are encouraged to have more than one staff trained to conduct FBAs. The trained full-time school site certificated staff member may be a special education teacher, a general education teacher, a site administrator, or any other certificated support staff member who works with students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

    The purpose of FBA is to systematically identify and understand behavior(s) that impede learning. The process of FBA involves data collection (direct and indirect), to gather and analyze information about the student’s behavior and accompanying environments, in order to hypothesize the purpose or intent (function) of the target behavior and guide the development of function-based, positive antecedent-based, and consequence-based behavioral interventions.

    The FBA in-person training is conducted by the LAUSD Division of Special Education, Behavior Support Office.