National and LAUSD MTSS Initiatives

    Many national, state, and local organizations have organized around Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) as a vehicle for early intervention and possible prevention of referral for special education services.
    Outside Resources


    • The United States Department of Education provides support to schools and families seeking information on RTI. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), reauthorized by Congress in 2004, outlines the intervention systems that must be in place in schools to prevent over-identification of students with learning disabilities. This Q&A document outlines key provisions of IDEA that pertain to RtI.
    • The National Center on Response to Intervention is an outstanding, comprehensive source for principals and teachers who are working to build an RtI framework in elementary, middle, or high school.
    • The IRIS Center at Vanderbilt University is a federally funded professional learning site for educators and schools in preparing teachers to support and serve struggling learners and students with disabilities. The site contains interactive learning modules with animated videos and hands-on learning activities for use during professional development:
    • Noted scholars in the field of special education instruction, Douglas Fuchs and Lynn S. Fuchs of Vanderbilt University, have published widely on the use of RTI as an effective strategy to prevent over-identification of students with learning disabilities. This article provides a research-based overview of RTI.
    • The International Reading Association has produced a wealth of resources for educators and families aimed at preventing reading failure.
    • The RTI Action Network, a program of the National Center for Learning Disabilities, outlines the essential tools for implementing and evaluating RtI programs in place at schools.