Instructional Technology Initiative
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    ISTE - January 2019 CoverISTE CEO, Richard Culatta, Highlights ITI in ASCD Magazine

    READ: "Creating a Shared Vision"

    What is the difference between schools who are using technology effectively and those who are not? More often than not, says Culatta, it comes down to creating a vision for learning before jumping into buying devices or software. Culatta describes how using a shared set of digital-learning strategies helped the Los Angeles Unified School District rework a failed technology strategy and right path to meeting its central goal of enabling more effective and more innovative learning for students. Reprinted with permission from ASCD.


    EL-April 2018-CoverL.A. Unified Featured in ISTE’s Empowered Learner

    Read: Total Turnaround
    Read about how L.A. Unified did a total turnaround and became a model for instructional technology success. This article appears in the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) members-only print magazine, Empowered Learner. Reprinted with permission from ISTE.


    Leading with InstructionLeading with Instruction

    Read: ITI Progress Report
    Grounded in research and promising practices, the Leading with Instruction report provides readers with a revised set of components that support a successful instructional technology program aligned to key frameworks such as the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Essential Conditions, the K12 Computer Science Framework, and the Prosci ADKAR Change Management Model. To start the conversation around integrating instructional technology practices, read ITI’s Leading with Instruction report today!

    EL-April 2018-CoverTask Force Recommendations

    Read: Recommendation Report
    ITI Task Force Recommendations (June 2016) The ITI Task Force was convened in April 2015 to develop a vision for instructional technology District-wide that incorporated student, parents, teachers, principals, and community leader perspectives. The result of these efforts culminated in the ITI Task Force Recommendations--a set of instructional recommendations and infrastructure needs necessary to create a personalized learning environment for each student. The report was founded on the 2016 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students and the 2015 National Education Technology Plan.