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This page serves as a curated collection of ITI-related podcast content demonstrating our commitment to digital citizenship, computer science education, and the ISTE Standards.
Listen on : iTunes
Or directly on our website below under Leading for Impact
Leading for Impact Podcast
You are invited to listen in on how L.A. Unified is making an impact with instructional technology. In this monthly podcast you will hear directly from educational leaders who are leveraging technology along with sound instructional practices to transform teaching and learning in equitable ways.
Listen on:
or directly on our website.
Feedback Form: Share your feedback or nominate a guest speaker for future episodes!

Episode 14 - Game Changers: Esports Champions
In Episode 14, varsity champions of Level Up Los Angeles discuss their process and how the team harnessed the power of esports to develop leadership skills, overcome challenges, and make a lasting impact.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Pablo Gaeta, Teacher and Esports Coach (Business/Entrepreneurship Virtual Academy) @BEVirtualAcad
- Felix Contreras, Student
- Hayley Ramirez-Marin, Student
- Fatema Fazal, Student
- Adesola Dauda-Talabi, Student
- Polly Kruchinina, Student
Reference Material:

Episode 13 - Esports in Education
In Episode 13, pioneering esports leaders share what inspires them to offer esports to their students, how engagement supports achievement, and the valuable skills and opportunities students gain by participating in this growing phenomenon.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Regina Marquez-Martinez, Principal (Franklin High School) @MarqReg
- Gavin Ma, Math Teacher, and Esports Director (Franklin High School)
- Keani Romero, Robotics Teacher and Testing Coordinator (Palms Middle School)

Episode 12 - Artificial Intelligence
In Episode 12, inspired leaders from The Science Academy STEM Magnet discuss generative artificial intelligence (AI) for their community and building AI awareness. Their goal is to be the leading institution when it comes to the utilization and implementation of AI.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Carlos Lauchu, Principal
- Joshua Rosenthal, Assistant Principal
- Christopher Bradfield, Teacher
- Tom Tsao, STEM Advisor and Parent

Episode 11 - #CS4LAUSD
In Episode 11, an empowered leadership team at James Madison Middle School share the unique experiences as a classroom teacher, Edtech coach and administrator working collaboratively to drive ongoing learning and innovations around the integration of computer science with all learners.
Guest Speaker(s):
- James Madison Middle School
@/JMMS_Bulldogs - Elizabeth Lester, Assistant Principal
- Gohar Hamo, Instructional Technology Facilitator
@GoharHamo - Brian Iraheta, Computer Science Teacher @iraheta_brian

Episode 10 - #EquityAndCitizenshipAdvocate
In Episode 10, an empowered leadership team at Maywood Center for Enriched Studies share insight to their roles as leaders, advocates, and practitioners of digital citizenship year round and in their daily interactions with students and the community.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Maywood Center for Enriched Studies
@MACESmagnet - Gabriel Duran, Principal
- Lisandra Navarro-Perez, Teacher and Leadership Advisor
@Discoveringbio - Alanis Cruz, ASB Digital Citizenship Champion
- Kimberly Sanchez, Social Media Manager

Episode 9 - #EmpoweredLeader
In Episode 9, L.A. Unified Board of Education Member for District 3, Scott Schmerelson, discusses Special Education, Family and Community Engagement, and Student Advisory Council, emphasizing that we are all advocates for students.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Scott Schmerelson, L.A. Unified Board of Education Member for District 3

Episode 8 - #EquityAndCitizenshipAdvocate
In Episode 8, the Mayor of the City of Maywood, doctoral student, and intervention coordinator at Maywood Center for Enriched Studies is a servant leader who advocates for the infrastructure supporting learning, collaboration, and student voice.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Heber Marquez, Intervention Coordinator, MaCES Magnet; Mayor, City of Maywood
Reference Material:

Episode 7 - #VisionaryPlanner
In Episode 7, the Administrative Coordinator of Instruction for Black Student Achievement in Local District West shares lessons learned, best practices, challenges and the impact of learning with technology.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Dr. Shilby Sims, Administrative Coordinator of Instruction Black Student Achievement Plan

Episode 6 - #ConnectedLearner
In Episode 6, the Assistant Principal at Arleta High School models and promotes continuous professional learning for herself, teachers, families and students.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Dr. Ana Saucedo, Assistant Principal, Arleta High School
Reference Material:

Episode 5 - #EmpoweredLeader - Vice President of the L.A. Unified Board of Education
In Episode 5, L.A. Unified Board of Education Member for District 4 and Vice President, Nick Melvoin, discusses District options and pathways, where all are welcome.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Nick Melvoin, L.A. Board of Education Member for District 4 and Vice President @NickMelvoinBD4
Reference Material:

Episode 4 - #EmpoweringLeader - Local District Superintendent
In Episode 4, empowering leader and Local District Superintendent, Frances Baez, emphasizes the themes of transformation, equity and innovation in our campuses. She creates a culture that enriches teaching and learning with a champion mentality and shares her vision for building leadership and mentorship across communities.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Frances Baez, Superintendent, LD Central @FrancesBaez10
Reference Material:

Episode 3 - #EmpoweredByITI - Practitioners in Action
In Episode 3, edtech influencers and lifelong learners share their implementation strategies to build capacity at their school site, stay connected as learners, and facilitate 21st century instruction.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Yisel Meza, Teacher @YMeza44
- Maria Yniguez, Title I, TSP Coordinator @MariaYniguez
Reference Material:

Episode 2 - #DigCitLA - How a Showcase School Celebrates Digital Citizenship Week
In Episode 2, the Instructional Leadership Team at Garvanza Elementary Technology & Leadership Magnet (GETLM) shares their Digital Citizenship journey. Together, the principal, magnet coordinator, and instructional technology facilitator describe their school's #DigCit culture and plans for a successful Digital Citizenship Week showcase!
Guest Speaker(s):
- Sarah Gilman, Principal @GarvanzaM
- Justina Foulke, Magnet Coordinator
- Wen-Wen Cheng, Instructional Technology Facilitator @EdTech_WenWen
Reference Material:

Episode 1 - Who is ITI?
In Episode 1, learn about the return to school efforts and examples of how educators are integrating effective learning strategies with our youngest learners in early and secondary education.
Guest Speaker(s):
- Sophia Mendoza, Director @smmendoza123
Reference Material:


Ed Influencer Podcast: Learn from Urban District Leaders & Remote Learning Efforts
ISTE on 5/13/2020
In the latest ISTE Ed Influencer podcast, Chief Learning Officer Joseph South interviews leaders from large urban districts, which includes ITI Director Sophia Mendoza, about how they're navigating this transition during the COVID-19 global pandemic to support thousands of students and educators.
Guest Speaker:Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative
Narrator:Joseph South, ISTE’s Chief Learning Officer

Ed Influencer Podcast: How L.A. Unified Successfully Implements Classroom Technology
ISTE on 1/20/2020
In June 2019, Sophia Mendoza (2019 ISTE Impact Award Winner) sat down with ISTE’s Chief Learning Officer, Joseph South, for the Ed Influencers Podcast to discuss how the ISTE Standards have influenced teaching and learning across the nation’s second largest school district. Tune in to learn how the ITI team has supported over 400 schools and is working toward redefining professional learning for leaders.
Guest Speaker:Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative
Narrator:Joseph South, ISTE’s Chief Learning Officer
ITS4ED Podcast

Episode 9: AI in the District (Part 2)
Welcome to the second session of the ITS4Ed Podcast on Artificial Intelligence aka AI. Since AI is continuing to expand
and is having a major impact on education, we decided to dig a little deeper into AI in LAUSD. We will continue our
conversation with Ms. Sophia Mendoza, Director of the Information Technology Initiative (ITI). We will learn about
ITI's approach to developing thoughtful and appropriate AI guidelines for the school community. In this session
we will share resources from the ITI website: lausd.org/iti. This includes professional learning opportunities for educators,
computer science education, cybersecurity, digital citizenship education, and more. Be ready to learn about the latest
updates on AI in LAUSD.
Guest Speaker:Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative
Narrator:Youssef Elias, School Systems Manager, LA Unified

Episode 8: AI in the District (Part 1)
Welcome to this session of the ITS4Ed Podcast on Artificial Intelligence aka AI. It's the hot topic in the news today and
it impacts many people. In fact, the current writers and actors strike has "AI" as a score issue. AI is having a major impact
on education. Whether you are excited or concerned about AI, we in the education industry have the responsibility to ensure
AI is approached thoughtfully and appropriately in our school community. As a district, we need to understand the vision for
teaching and learning. So, whether you're a teacher, a student, a parent, or simply someone curious about AI and the future
of education, this session is your gateway to the world where AI meets academia.
Guest Speaker:Sophia Mendoza, Director, Instructional Technology Initiative
Narrator:Youssef Elias, School Systems Manager, LA Unified