Instructional Technology Initiative
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  • ITI Expanded Learning Opportunities: Computer Science and Esports for Good
  • Registration now open:

    ELOP Cohort 5 Flyer - Click here to download

    Enrich your students’ learning experiences through the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by establishing an after-school Computer Science (CS) and/or esports Club to provide your students expanded learning opportunities with gamified, hands-on, immersive, and emergent tools and technologies.

    The CS and esports clubs are aligned to the LAUSD Strategic Plan, Pillar 1: Academic Excellence, by eliminating opportunity gaps with expanded learning opportunities. These clubs target high-impact intervention and instructional programs through Computer Science and esports to accelerate learning - such as summer school, Acceleration Days, and tutoring - for students most in need, including English Learners, students with disabilities, students in foster care, students experiencing homelessness, and other historically underserved groups.