School Mental Health

  • BSAP Mental Health and Wellness Program

    Program Description
    The Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD) Board of Education ratified the Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) in February of the 2020-2021 school year. The BSAP is designed to address Black students’ unique needs related to historical and ongoing inequitable educational opportunities by fostering high academic performance, social-emotional awareness and management and a positive cultural identity for Black students. The District earmarked funding to address longstanding disparities in educational outcomes between Black students and their non-black peers. 
    BSAP Psychiatric Social Workers (PSWs) serve as the mental health lead at selected school sites, promoting mental wellness, academic success and addressing barriers to learning for Black students. At each school site, the BSAP PSW provides targeted support advancing the mental and social emotional well-being of Black students and families. Central to this work is cultivating relationships with students and families and BSAP PSWs do this with H.E.A.R.T. Using culturally responsive and innovative multi-tiered strategies, BSAP PSWs implement universal, targeted and intensive supports that seeks to:

    Humanize engagement and connectedness with students. 
    Enhance integrated care. 
    Advance authentic family partnerships. 
    Raise mental health awareness.  
    Tailor trauma informed practices for Black youth. 
    Program Services

    • Parent and student workshops designed to de-stigmatize mental health services in the Black community.
    • Provide culturally affirming calming spaces for Black students.
    • Facilitate culturally responsive social emotional learning activities.
    • Culturally responsive trauma informed counseling and crisis intervention services.
    • Linkage to community and LAUSD resources for Black students.
    • Reduce barriers and elevate Black student academic success and social emotional wellbeing.



    BSAP's website

    Black Student Achievement Plan

    Visit the BSAP website - button

    BSAP's Black Youth Mental Health Matters - flyer

    BSAP Black Youth Mental Health Flyer

    Download the BSAP's Black Youth Mental Health - flyer

