School Mental Health

  • About Us


    Social emotional interventions and mental health support have been proven to turn the tide against the cumulative impact of the daily stressors that our students and families face. Research indicates that by reducing the stress hormones in our bodies and brains, we can create buffers against environmental stressors that deplete our health and well-being, and remove barriers that impede access to student learning. School Mental Health professionals accomplish this by utilizing evidence-based, student-centered, culturally responsive, and community-defined best practices to foster student and community resiliency-the ability to bounce back from challenges, crises, or traumatic experiences with a stronger sense of self-confidence and coping capacity.
    Group Counseling


    All Girls Counseling Session

    School Mental Health offers a range of school social work and mental health services that provide supports and interventions to help children, youth and families become better equipped to thrive. Our Psychiatric Social Workers engage students and families at our schools, clinics, Wellness Centers, Regions and homes. But we realize that it takes a village, and we cannot do it alone. We leverage the support of community partners through our extended network of care so that we are able to address the broad spectrum of social emotional needs.

    School Mental Health - Handout




  • Contact

    LaKisha Johnson - SMh Director

    LaKisha Johnson, LCSW, PPSC, M.Ed.

    333 S. Beaudry Ave., 29th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017