School Mental Health

  • Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services (ERICS) Psychiatric Social Workers (PSWs) Program

    Program Description

    Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services (ERICS) is a federally mandated service prescribed through a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). This educational service supports students who are experiencing the most severe social-emotional and/or behavioral symptoms. ERICS Psychiatric Social Workers (PSWs) support and educate students receiving special education services and their families by providing counseling and support to help positively manage challenging emotions and behaviors. The tools acquired through ERICS counseling are designed to support students to learn and remain in the least restrictive setting.  ERICS PSWs strive to remove barriers in the educational setting to promote school success.

    Program Services

    • Provide individual, group, and family counseling and crisis support to students identified as having special education needs
    • Participate in IEP meetings to discuss social-emotional issues that impact student performance
    • Collaborate with school site special education administrators, psychologist, teachers, School-Based PSWs, other itinerants, counselors, and community-based mental health agencies
    • Offer parents and caregivers psychoeducation, support, and resource linkage to district and community-based systems 



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