Wellness Programs

  • Blueprint for Wellness Policy


    The students and families in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) face increasing health risks that can affect their wellness, quality of life, and possibly their life span. LAUSD is committed to providing an environment where students can learn to make healthy choices for lifelong health.

    LAUSD recognizes the critical relationship between a healthy student and academic achievement - students must be healthy to be educated and be educated to be healthy.

    The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act resulted in the expansion of the wellness policy that was adopted by the Board of Education June 27, 2006. The LAUSD Board of Education adopted the Wellness Policy that addresses student wellness for every school in the District.  This Blueprint for Wellness Policy is the District’s wellness policy and guide for implementing a comprehensive health and wellness plan.  The following research statistics in the areas of including Nutrition Services, Physical Education, Health Education, Health Services, Positive Attendance and Building Resiliency, Safe Environment, Staff Wellness, as well as Parent and Community Involvement, reflect the need for a strong and achievable wellness policy.

    The LAUSD Blueprint for Wellness Policy is a result of the tireless work of District staff, students, parents, teachers, administrators, governmental agencies, and community-based organizations on behalf of the students, schools, and employees of our District.  This wellness policy is designed to encompass student wellness, parent wellness, staff wellness and community wellness and should serve to further advance wellness throughout the District. We hope the Blueprint for Wellness Policy will be helpful to all school sites and District offices.

    Since 2013, the Los Angeles Unified School District has been a member of the Action for Healthy Kids’ Urban School Wellness Advisory Board in an effort to build a national Urban School Wellness Coalition. The school districts which comprise the advisory board requested a comparison summary of their district’s federally required School Wellness Policies. Click here for the 2014-2015 School Year Wellness Policy Scorecard for the Los Angeles Unified School District Blueprint for Wellness document. Please note that scores were determined prior to the current wellness policy. 


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      • Contact


        William Celestine

        333 S. Beaudry Ave. 29th Floor
        Los Angeles, CA 90017
        P: (213) 241-3850 
        F: (213) 241-6888