- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Site Assessment
Site Assessment
The District's Site Assessment Team manages environmental project activities related to site investigations of existing District properties and new acquisitions such as performing preliminary environmental assessments, supplemental site investigations, developing remedial action work plans and preparing removal action completion reports.
State and local agencies such as the Department of Toxic Substances Control, Department of Education and South Coast Air Quality Management District have promulgated rules and regulations to address the presence of potentially toxic or hazardous conditions on or in the vicinity of proposed and existing school sites. It is District policy that all relevant and appropriate assessment activities be performed to ensure the health and safety of students and staff, as well as protection of the environment.
Consultation with representatives of both state and local jurisdictions are often required to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and applicable guidelines.
In addition, the Site Assessment Team is responsible for providing oversight and liaison assistance for District Facility Services Division and Maintenance and Operations Branch activities associated with the management and disposition of impacted and hazardous soil.
Notices regarding status and the availability of site assessment documents associated with the District's Comprehensive Modernization Program are provided in the school site listings below.
The District's Procedures for Environmental Review of Proposed Projects (REF-5314.2) provides additional program information when conducting site assessment activities. For information requests regarding specific school site assessments, please call 213-241-3199.
Site Assessment Documents (click on a school name below to access the documents)
- 49th Street Elementary School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) for the Major Modernization Project at 49th Street Elementary School. The PEA-E presents the findings of the environmental investigation performed at the Site. The finding indicates the presence of arsenic, lead, and petroleum hydrocarbon-impacted soil at several locations. The impacted soils are under asphalt pavement, and there is no direct student and staff exposure to the affected soil. The estimated impacted soil is 1,400 cubic yards. The PEA-E recommends preparing a Removal Action Work Plan (RAW).
Subsequently, LAUSD prepared the RAW that provides details of the removal plan, health and safety procedures, air monitoring and soil confirmation sampling procedures, transportation and disposal requirements, and estimated removal costs. Once the removal action is completed, a Removal Action Completion Report (RACR) will be prepared.
Any comments on the draft PEA-E and RAW are to be submitted as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process to ceqa-comments@lausd.net . The CEQA documents for the project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- 92nd Street Elementary School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent report (PEA-E) for the Comprehensive Modernization Project at 92nd Street Elementary School in Los Angeles, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of the environmental investigations performed at the Site. The findings show that arsenic affected soil was identified at three (3) shallow locations under asphalt pavement. Since the 3 arsenic affected soil areas are under asphalt, there is no student or staff exposure to the soil. The total estimated arsenic affected soil was 49.3 cubic yards and a Removal Action Workplan is recommended. Any comments on the draft PEA-E are to be submitted as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process to ceqa-comments@lausd.net. The CEQA documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has prepared a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the Comprehensive Modernization Project at 92nd Street Elementary School, 9211 South Grape Street, Los Angeles, California. The RAW summarizes the results of the environmental investigations performed at the school, identifies the soil impacted areas and volume, and describes the procedures and requirements for the removal and lawful off-site disposal of approximately 35 cubic yards of arsenic- and/or lead-affected soil. There has been no exposure to the arsenic- and/or lead-affected soil because the soil is below asphalt pavement. The implementation of the RAW is anticipated to be completed in late 2022 or early 2023. The RAW is posted for public review and comment from February 17 to March 18, 2021.
- 93rd Street Elementary School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent report (PEA-E) for the Food Services Upgrade Project at 93rd Street Elementary School in Los Angeles, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed and recommended removal of six cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of lead and 120 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic. At the time of the investigation both areas were covered with asphalt. The soil was removed and taken to a properly licensed facility off-site in July 2016. A Soil Removal Report has been generated documenting these activities.
- Public Comment Period - May 26, 2016 to June 27, 2016 (Completed)
- PEA-E Report Final
- Soil Removal report
- Public Comment Period - May 26, 2016 to June 27, 2016 (Completed)
- Ascot Avenue Elementary School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent report (PEA-E) for the Comprehensive Modernization Project at Ascot Elementary School in Los Angeles, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed at the Site. This includes sampling for chemicals included as part of South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1466 Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants. All soil analytical results were either below detection or regulatory screening levels except for lead. An estimated 2,000 cubic yards of soil with lead at levels that make it a hazardous waste in the state of California were identified. There is no immediate health risk because the lead-affected soil is below asphalt pavement and will only be removed during school closure as part of the planned construction activities. The PEA-E report also includes details on the proper excavation and off-site disposal of the lead-affected soil. Once the soil has been taken out a Removal Action Completion Report will be created. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Belvedere Middle School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed the soil removal action for the Comprehensive Modernization project at Belvedere Middle School, 312 N Record Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90063 (the “Site”). The removal action was completed as part of the current construction activities. In all, approximately 1,010 tons of soil containing hazardous levels of lead was taken to the US Ecology landfill in Beatty Nevada. The last of this soil was excavated and removed from the campus in January 2021. The work was completed in accordance with the Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent report (PEA-E) and South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1466 Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed at the Site supporting that all soil analytical results were either below detection or regulatory screening levels except for lead. A Removal Action Completion Report has been created documenting the removal activities. The RACR concludes that the soil left behind is well below the residential cleanup goal for lead established for the Site and recommends no further action. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Bethune Middle School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Site Characterization Report and Cleanup Plan at Bethune Middle School. The report presents the findings of an environmental investigation conducted in the courtyard area located in the easter portion of the school. The findings indicate the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the soil. Currently, the impacted soil is fenced off and covered with vegetation, mulch, or plastic liners to limit the exposure of students and staff to the affected soil.
The cleanup plan details the soil removal plan, air monitoring and soil confirmation sampling procedures, decontamination, transportation, and disposal requirements. LAUSD has scheduled the cleanup work to be completed during the summer break of 2024 when students and staff are not present at the school. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and LAUSD's Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) will oversee the implementation of the cleanup plan.
Any comments on the Site Characterization Report and Cleanup Plan are to be submitted to Mr. Filmon Tesfaslasie at cp-f.tesfaslasie@lausd.net or Mr. Christian Baker at baker.christian@epa.gov.
- Canoga Park Senior High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LA Unified) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) for the Major Modernization project at Canoga Park Senior High in the Canoga Park neighborhood of the City of Los Angeles, California. The PEA-E is summarized in a report that presents the findings of environmental investigations performed at the Site. This includes sampling for chemicals included as part of South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1466 Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants. All soil analytical results were either below detection or regulatory screening levels except for arsenic and lead.
A Soil Removal Plan documents how an estimated 280 cubic yards of soil containing arsenic and/or lead above regulatory screening levels will be properly disposed of offsite. Of this soil, approximately 180 cubic yards are non-hazardous and approximately 100 cubic yards are hazardous in the state of California. No federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous soil was identified. There is no immediate health risk because the arsenic and/or lead-affected soil is below asphalt pavement and will only be removed during school closure as part of the planned construction activities.
Once the soil has been hauled away, a Removal Action Completion Report will be created.
- Cleveland Charter High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) Report for the Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) Project at Cleveland Charter High School in Reseda, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed and recommends the removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 10.4 cubic yards of soil at 6 locations demonstrating elevated concentrations of lead, arsenic, or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The soil was removed, replaced with certified-clean soil, and then transported to a licensed disposal facility in April 2017. A Technical Memorandum of the soil removal activities has been prepared. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Public Comment Period – September 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 (Completed)
- Cleveland High School - Final PEA-E
- Cleveland High School - Technical Memorandum
- Colfax Charter Elementary School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) Report for the Classroom Addition Project at Colfax Charter Elementary School in Valley Village, California. The PEA-E report presents the findings of environmental investigations performed at the site. Shallow soil analytical results for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), lead, arsenic, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at the site were either below detection or below regulatory screening levels. Based on the finding of the PEA-E report, LAUSD recommends that No Further Action is warranted for the site. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Supplemental Site Investigation Report for the Classroom Addition Project at Colfax Charter Elementary School in Valley Village, California. The SSI presents the findings of environmental investigations performed around the perimeter of the school and recommended the removal and proper off-site disposal of 91 tons or approximately 65 cubic yards of soil at four locations demonstrating elevated concentrations of arsenic, lead, total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd), and OCP’. The soil will be removed, replaced with certified-clean soil, and then transported to a licensed disposal facility during perimeter construction activities. A public meeting and comment period was held for the Classroom Addition Project and campus improvement activities on April 11, 2019.
- David Starr Jordan High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed the Removal Action Completion (RACR) Report for the Northern Portion of David Starr Jordan High School Project in Los Angeles, California. The RACR presents the completion of the removal action objectives described in the Removal Action Workplan. LAUSD completed the excavation and proper off-site disposal of approximately 4,688 total cubic yards of arsenic, lead and total petroleum hydrocarbon as diesel (TPHd) impacted soil from multiple locations on the northern portion of the site. The soil was removed and transported to a licensed disposal facility during construction activities for the removal of existing old tennis courts, basketball courts and softball field and replacement with a new softball field, four (4) new tennis courts, two (2) new volleyball courts, and two (2) new futsal courts. Certified clean imported soil was then placed as backfill into the excavation areas. A Land use covenant with the DTSC will be completed for portions of the site where residual impacts were left in-place at depth.
Prior to completing the RACR, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) completed a Remedial Action Workplan (RAW) Report for the Northern Portion of David Starr Jordan High School Project in Los Angeles, California. The RAW presented the findings of environmental investigations performed around the northern portion of the school and recommended the limited removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 3,160 cubic yards of soil at multiple locations demonstrating elevated concentrations of arsenic, lead, total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd). A public meeting and comment period was held for the construction of the new courts and softball field and the soil removal activities on May 23, 2019.
- Elizabeth Learning Center
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a draft Removal Action Workplan report (RAW) for the Comprehensive Modernization project at the Elizabeth Learning Center in Cudahy, California. The draft RAW presents the findings of the PEA-E and a Supplemental Site Investigation performed in support of the Comprehensive Modernization project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of soil containing elevated levels of chemicals of potential concern is detailed in the draft RAW. Field work associated with the RAW is anticipated to take place in phases beginning in the Summer of 2023. Any comments received during the comment period (April 1, 2023 through May 1, 2023) will be addressed in the final RAW. Impacted soils are currently covered by asphalt/concrete and pose no risk to students or staff.
- Francis Polytechnic High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) Report for the Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) Project at Polytechnic High School in Sun Valley, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed and recommended the removal and proper off-site disposal of 7.35 tons or approximately 11 cubic yards of soil at two locations demonstrating elevated concentrations of lead. The soil was removed, replaced with certified-clean soil, and then transported to a licensed disposal facility in July 2017. A public meeting and comment period were held for the final design of the project and the PEA-E activities at the end of November and beginning of December 2017. Documentation of the soil removal activities is included in the Final PEA report. No further action for soil is warranted. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Garfield High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LA Unified) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) for the Major Modernization project at James A Garfield Senior High in the East Los Angeles neighborhood of the City of Los Angeles, California. The PEA-E is summarized in a report that presents the findings of environmental investigations performed at the Site. This includes sampling for chemicals included as part of South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1466 Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants. All soil analytical results were either below detection or regulatory screening levels except for arsenic and lead.
A Soil Removal Plan documents how an estimated 17 cubic yards of soil containing non-hazardous levels of arsenic and/or lead above regulatory screening levels will be properly disposed of offsite. No federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous soil was identified. There is no immediate health risk because the arsenic and/or lead-affected soil is below asphalt pavement and will only be removed as part of the planned construction activities.
Once the soil has been hauled away, a Removal Action Completion Report will be created.
- Hamilton High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) Report for the Comprehensive Modernization Project at Alexander Hamilton Senior High School. The PEA-E report presents the findings of environmental investigations performed at the site. The PEA-E consisted of soil and soil vapor sampling and the results demonstrated shallow arsenic and lead affected soil at nine (9) localized areas. These 9 localized areas are below pavement preventing exposure to the shallow lead/arsenic affected soil. Additionally, low-level volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in soil vapor below the closed photo-laboratory building. This building was closed prior to the PEA-E and will be demolished as part of the Comprehensive Modernization program. A Removal Action Workplan (RAW) was completed for the removal of the arsenic/lead affected soil and the mitigation of the low-level VOCs below the photo-laboratory building. The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, PEA-E, and RAW are provided at the link below. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Huntington Park High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Draft Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent report (PEA-E) for the Modernization Project at Huntington Park High School in Los Angeles, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed, and recommends the removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 116.7 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic, lead, and organochlorine pesticides. There is no immediate health risk because the arsenic, lead and organochlorine pesticide impacted soil is currently covered with asphalt. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Public Comment Period -March 1, 2017 to March 30, 2017 (Completed)
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Removal Action Workplan report (RAW) for the Comprehensive Modernization Project (Comp Mod) at Huntington Park High School in Los Angeles, California. The RAW presents the findings of environmental investigations performed in support of the Comprehensive Modernization Project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 117 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic, lead, and/or chlordane is detailed in the RAW. There is no immediate health risk because the arsenic-, lead-, and/or chlordane-impacted soil is currently covered with asphalt. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Public Comment Period - August 23, 2017 to September 22, 2017 (Completed)
- Huntington Park High School - Draft Removal Action Workplan (RAW)
- John Burroughs Middle School
A Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) was conducted on the John Burroughs Middle School as part of the Major Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) effort at the school site. The PEA-E focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and the development zones identified for the high school. The PEA-E consisted of soil and soil vapor/methane sampling and the results demonstrated shallow lead and/or arsenic affected soil around the perimeter of the buildings that will be demolished. A total of 160 cubic yards of lead/arsenic affected shallow soil was quantified and will be removed prior to demolition during the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) process. Impacted soils are currently covered by asphalt/concrete and pose no risk to students or staff. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Removal Action Workplan report (RAW) for the Comp Mod at Burroughs Middle School in Los Angeles, California. The RAW presents the findings of PEA-E performed in support of the Comp Mod Project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 160 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic and lead is detailed in the RAW. The RAW is anticipated to take place in phases beginning in the fall of 2020. A public meeting and comment period were held for the RAW in February 2018. Any comments received during the comment period were addressed in the RAW. There is no immediate health risk because the arsenic and lead impacted soil is currently covered with asphalt.
- John F. Kennedy High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) for the Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) Project at John F. Kennedy High School in Granada Hills, California. The PEA-E report presents the findings of environmental investigations performed and recommended the removal and proper off-site disposal of 3.75 tons or approximately 3 cubic yards of soil at one location containing elevated concentrations of lead and 4,4-DDE. The soil was removed, replaced with certified-clean soil, and then transported to a licensed disposal facility in April 2019. A public meeting to review the CEQA findings and PEA-E site assessment activities at the site will be held on November 14, 2019. The comment period for the CEQA findings and PEA-E site assessment activities is from November 1, 2019 through December 2, 2019. Documentation of the soil removal activities is included in a separate Soil Excavation Tech Memorandum. No further action for soil is currently warranted. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Lincoln High School
A Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) was conducted at Abraham Lincoln High School as part of the Comprehensive Modernization (also known as a Comp Mod) construction project at the school site. The PEA-E focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. The PEA-E consisted of soil sampling and the results demonstrated shallow arsenic, lead, and organochlorine pesticide affected soil around the perimeter of the buildings that will be demolished and other areas in the campus development area. A total quantity of lead/arsenic/pesticide affected shallow soil is pending further investigation and soil will be removed prior to demolition during the Removal Action Workplan process. Impacted soils are currently covered by asphalt, concrete, or grass ground cover and pose no risk to students or staff. The California Environmental Quality Act documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- McKinley Avenue Elementary School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent report (PEA-E) for the Comprehensive Modernization Project at McKinley Avenue Elementary School in Los Angeles, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed at the Site. This includes sampling for chemicals included as part of South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1466 Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants. Individual and/or site-wide shallow soil analytical results were either below detection or regulatory screening levels. Based on the findings of the PEA-E report, LAUSD recommends that No Further Action is warranted for the site. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- North Hollywood High School
A Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) was conducted on the North Hollywood High School as part of the Major Comprehensive Modernization effort at the school site. The PEA focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and the development zones identified for the high school. The PEA consisted of soil and soil vapor sampling and the results demonstrated shallow lead and/or arsenic affected soil around the perimeter of the buildings that will be demolished. A total of 71 cubic yards or lead/arsenic affected shallow soil was quantified and this contaminated soil will be removed during the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) process. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Draft Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the Major Comprehensive Modernization Project at North Hollywood High School. The RAW summarizes the results of the environmental investigations performed at the school, identifies the soil impacted areas and volume, and provides the procedures and requirements for the removal and lawful off-site disposal of approximately 72 cubic yards of soil containing elevated lead and arsenic. There is no direct exposure to the impacted soil since detected arsenic and lead concentrations are below soil surface, under landscape or grass, or below pavement. The RAW is posted for public review and comment from May 1 to May 31, 2018.
- Reseda High School
A Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) was conducted on Reseda High School as part of the Major Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) effort at the school site. The PEA-E focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and the development zones identified for the high school. The PEA-E consisted of soil and soil vapor sampling and the results demonstrated shallow lead and/or arsenic affected soil around the perimeter of the buildings that will be demolished as well as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in vapor phase beneath the former Industrial Arts Building. A total of 266 cubic yards of lead/arsenic affected shallow soil was quantified and will be removed prior to demolition during the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) process. VOCs beneath the former Industrial Arts building will be remediated after demolition. Impacted soils and soil vapor areas are currently covered by asphalt/concrete and pose no risk to students or staff. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) prepared a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the Comprehensive Modernization at Reseda High School in Reseda, California. The RAW presents the findings of the PEA-E and describes the recommendations in the PEA-E to be performed in support of the Comp Mod Project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 266 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic and lead is detailed in the RAW. The RAW is anticipated to take place in phases beginning in the spring of 2022. A public meeting and comment period will take place from November 1, 2019 through December 1, 2019. There is no immediate health risk to students and staff because the arsenic and lead impacted soil is currently covered with asphalt.
- San Pedro High School
A Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) was conducted on the San Pedro High School as part of the Major Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) effort at the school site. The PEA-E focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). The PEA-E consisted of soil and soil vapor/radon sampling and the results demonstrated shallow arsenic, lead, chlordane and dieldrin affected soil around the perimeter of the buildings that will be demolished and other areas in the campus development area. A total of 226 cubic yards of lead/arsenic/pesticide affected shallow soil was quantified and will be removed prior to demolition during the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) process. Impacted soils are currently covered by asphalt/concrete and pose no risk to students or staff. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Removal Action Workplan report (RAW) for the Comp Mod at San Pedro High School in San Pedro, California. The RAW presents the findings of the PEA-E performed in support of the Comp Mod Project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 226 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic, lead, chlordane and dieldrin and is detailed in the RAW. The RAW is anticipated to take place in phases beginning in the winter of 2020. Any comments received during the comment periodwere addressed in the RAW. There is no immediate health risk because the arsenic, lead, or pesticide impacted soil is currently covered with asphalt.
- Shenandoah Street Elementary School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) for the Comprehensive Modernization Project at Shenandoah Street Elementary School (the “Site”) in Los Angeles, California. The PEA-E Report presents the findings of our environmental investigation performed at the Site. All soil analytical results were either below detection or regulatory screening levels except for lead and arsenic. An estimated 3,417 cubic yards of soil with elevated lead or arsenic levels were identified. There is no immediate health risk because the lead- and arsenic-affected soil is below asphalt pavement that prevents direct exposure to students, visitors, and staff. This soil will be removed at the start of the planned comprehensive modernization construction activities. The recommendation of the PEA-E is the completion of a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) that will provide the soil removal plans, health and safety procedures, air monitoring and soil confirmation sampling procedures, transportation and disposal requirements, and estimated removal costs. Once the soil has been removed a Removal Action Completion Report (RACR) will be created.
A public meeting to review the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings and PEA-E assessment activities at the Site will be held on January 29, 2020. The comment period for the CEQA findings and PEA-E site assessment activities is from January 15, 2020 through February 15, 2020. Any comments on the draft PEA-E are to be submitted as part of the CEQA process to ceqa-comments@lausd.net. The CEQA documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has prepared a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the Comprehensive Modernization Project at Shenandoah Street Elementary School, 2450 Shenandoah Street, Los Angeles, California. The RAW summarizes the results of the environmental investigations performed at the school, identifies the soil impacted areas and volume, and describes the procedures and requirements for the removal and lawful off-site disposal of approximately 3,417 cubic yards of arsenic- and/or lead-affected soil. There has been no exposure to the arsenic- and/or lead-affected soil because the soil is below asphalt pavement. Additionally, a health risk assessment provided in the RAW concludes that there are no health concerns during the soil removal action. The RAW will be implemented in phases with the first phase scheduled for the Summer 2021, and the second phase scheduled for the Summer 2022. Removal Action Completion Reports (RACRs) will be completed for each phase of the soil removal action. The RAW is posted for public review and comment from November 6 to December 7, 2020.
- Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies (SOCES)
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) Report for the Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) Project at Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies (SOCES) in Reseda, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed and recommended the removal and proper off-site disposal of soil demonstrating elevated concentrations of lead and arsenic in and around the paved playground area and areas between a few of the buildings. A total of 1,190 cubic yards of lead/arsenic affected shallow soil was quantified and will be removed during the Remedial Action Workplan (RAW) process. Impacted soils are currently covered by asphalt and pose no risk to students and staff. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
A Remedial Action Workplan (RAW) was completed to describe the general procedures for the removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 1,190 cubic yards of soil at three locations during construction activities for the Comprehensive Modernization Project. The RAW is anticipated to take place in phases beginning in the Summer of 2018. A public meeting and comment period were held for the final project design, PEA-E activities and RAW at the end of October and beginning of November 2017. Any comments received during the comment period were addressed in the RAW. There are no immediate health risks because the arsenic and lead impacted soil is currently covered with asphalt.
- Theodore Roosevelt High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (District) conducted a Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) on the Theodore Roosevelt High School (Roosevelt HS) as part of the Major Comprehensive Modernization effort at the school site. The PEA-E focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. The PEA-E consisted of soil and soil vapor/methane sampling and the results demonstrated shallow petroleum hydrocarbons, lead and/or arsenic affected soil around the perimeter of the buildings that will be demolished and other areas in the campus development area. Impacted soils currently pose no risk to students or staff. Any comments received during the public comment period were addressed in the PEA-E. The PEA-E can be accessed by clicking the link below. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
Based on the results of the PEA-E, the District prepared a Removal Action Workplan (RAW). The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 7,020 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic, lead, and petroleum hydrocarbons is detailed in the RAW. This soil is split up into six areas: Areas 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 and Hoist/Clarifier. Note: Areas 1, 4, and 7 were outside the boundaries of the project and Area 8 was determined to not require a removal action. Any comments received during the public comment period were addressed in the RAW. The RAW can be accessed by clicking the link below.
Between May 2018 and July 2023, soil removal actions were performed in accordance with the RAW for Areas 2, 5, 6, and Hoist/Clarifier. Over this extended period, several Removal Action Completion Reports (RACRs) were prepared to support construction activities. One summary RACR for the stated period can be accessed by clicking the link below.
Area 3 (football field) and Area 9 (baseball field) will be addressed in future RACR(s).
- Thomas Jefferson High School
A Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) was conducted on the Thomas Jefferson High School as part of the Major Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) effort at the school site. The PEA-E focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). The PEA-E consisted of soil and soil vapor sampling and the results demonstrated shallow arsenic, lead, and organochlorine pesticide affected soil around the perimeter of the buildings that will be demolished and other areas in the campus development area. A total of 229 cubic yards of lead/arsenic/pesticide affected shallow soil was quantified and soil will be removed prior to demolition during the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) process. Impacted soils are currently covered by asphalt/concrete and pose no risk to students or staff. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Removal Action Workplan report (RAW) for the Comp Mod at Jefferson High School in Los Angeles, California. The RAW presents the findings of the PEA-E performed in support of the Comp Mod Project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 229 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic, lead, and organochlorine pesticides is detailed in the RAW. The RAW is anticipated to take place in phases beginning in the spring of 2022. Any comments received during the comments period were addressed in the RAW. There is no immediate health risk because the arsenic, lead and pesticide impacted soil is currently covered with asphalt.
- Ulysses S. Grant High School
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent (PEA-E) Report for the Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) Project at Grant High School in Van Nuys, California. The PEA-E presents the findings of environmental investigations performed and recommended the removal and proper off-site disposal of 22.57 tons or approximately 33.8 cubic yards of soil at three locations around the greenhouse area demonstrating elevated concentrations of lead and arsenic. The soil was removed, replaced with certified-clean soil, and then transported to a licensed disposal facility in August 2017. A public meeting and comment period were held for the final design and PEA-E activities for the project during late October and early November 2017. Documentation of the soil removal activities is included in the Final PEA report. No Further Action for the soil is warranted. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
A Remedial Action Workplan (RAW) was completed to describe the general procedures for the removal of three clarifiers and three hydraulic auto lifts during the planned demolition of on-site buildings during the Comprehensive Modernization Project. A public meeting and comment period were held for the final design and PEA-E activities for the project during late October and early November 2017. Any comments received during the comment period were incorporated into the RAW.
- Venice High School
Comprehensive Modernization ProjectA Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) was conducted on the Venice High School as part of the Major Comprehensive Modernization (Comp Mod) effort at the school site. The PEA-E focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). The PEA-E consisted of soil and soil vapor sampling and the results demonstrated shallow arsenic and lead affected soil around the perimeter of the buildings that will be demolished and other areas in the campus development area. A total of 173.9 cubic yards of lead/arsenic affected shallow soil was quantified and will be removed prior to demolition during the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) process. Impacted soils are currently covered by asphalt/concrete and pose no risk to students or staff. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page.
- Venice High School - Final Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent Report (PEA-E)
- Venice High School - Final Preliminary Environmental Assessment-Equivalent Report Addendum (PEA-E Addendum)
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Removal Action Workplan report (RAW) for the Comp Mod at Venice High School in Venice, California. The RAW presents the findings of the PEA-E performed in support of the Comp Mod Project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 173.9 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic and lead is detailed in the RAW. The RAW is anticipated to take place in phases beginning in the summer of 2018. Any comments received during the comment period were addressed in the RAW. There is no immediate health risk because the arsenic and lead impacted soil is currently covered with asphalt.
Lunch Shelter ProjectThe Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Removal Action Workplan report (RAW) for the new Lunch Shelter Project at Venice High School in Venice, California. The RAW presents the findings of the PEA-E performed in support of the new Lunch Shelter Project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 71 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic is detailed in the RAW. The RAW was conducted in the summer of 2017. Any comments received during the comment period were addressed in the RAW.The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has completed a Removal Action Completion Report (RACR) for the new Lunch Shelter Project at Venice High School in Venice, California. The RACR presents how the RAW was performed in support of the new Lunch Shelter Project. The removal and proper off-site disposal of approximately 71 cubic yards of soil containing elevated levels of arsenic is detailed in the RACR. The RAW was conducted in the summer of 2017.
- William Howard Taft Charter High School
Two soil investigations were conducted at William Howard Taft Charter High School (the “Site”) as part of the Comprehensive Modernization and Utility Replacement projects. The Preliminary Environmental Assessment Equivalent (PEA-E) and the Supplemental Site Investigation (SSI) focused on the environmental concerns identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and the development zones identified for the Site. The PEA-E and SSI consisted of soil and soil vapor sampling and the results demonstrated shallow lead, arsenic and dieldrin impacted soil adjoining the Administration building, Building F and the Agricultural building. A total of 20 cubic yards of lead, arsenic and dieldrin affected soil was quantified and will be removed prior to demolition as described in the Removal Action Workplan (RAW). The removal action will be implemented in phases beginning in the fall of 2020. Impacted areas are located in planter areas, covered by grass and/or asphalt and pose no risk to students and staff. A public comment period for the referenced documents will take place from August 17, 2020 through September 16, 2020, with a public meeting on August 27, 2020. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for the Project are available on the LAUSD CEQA web page
William Howard Taft Charter High School PEA-E Report
Preliminary Project Referral Form for CEQA & Site Assessment ReviewsThis form is for District use and should be filled out by project proponents (e.g., Asset Management, A/E Services...) to initiate the CEQA and/or Site Assessment review process.
- Surveys of Environmental Hazards Near Schools
OEHS periodically conducts surveys to identify environmental hazards near schools. Environmental hazards include, but are not limited to, facilities that may or are likely to contain chemicals of concern, high voltage power lines and transformers, underground gas and oil pipelines, and earthquake faults. Completed surveys are available here and additional surveys will be uploaded as they are completed.
More information on the role of OEHS in identifying potential environmental hazards, as well as the responsibilities of Site Administrators, is available in the Environmental Hazards in Proximity to Schools Reference Guide (REF-5892.0). An updated version of this reference guide is being prepared and will be available here once complete. If you have any questions about the surveys, please contact OEHS at (213)-241-3199.