SHHS and Positive Behavior Interventions & Support/Restorative Practices (PBIS/RP) - top banner

  • Multi-tiered Integrated Strategies & Resources


  • Teaching Strategies

Affective Statements 

Tier 1



Boosting Motivation and Engagement 

Tier 1

Building Developmental Relationships during the COVID

 Tier 1

Character Traits – Values

Tier 1

Classroom Motivation Flipbook


The Classroom Motivation Systems booklet is designed to support the development and implementation of classroom systems to motivate students, encourage positive behavior, and increase academic engagement.

Tier 1



7 Core Circle Guidelines

Weekly Virtual Community Building Activities

Compassionate Listening Tips

Building Positive Relationships using 4:1

7 Process Praise Examples to Foster Learner Resilience

Restorative Fitness Movement Activities

Random Name Pickers

Participation Protocols

Discussion Protocols

Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Why Are Values Important


 Tier 1

Creating Virtual Classroom Expectations

Co-creating Expectations Elementary Schools 

Co-creating Expectations Secondary Schools


 Tier 1

Students and staff need to know what behaviors are acceptable and expected in all different contexts throughout the school. In order to support students’ academic and social success, specific school wide and classroom expected behaviors must be clearly posted and explicitly taught, and retaught. Differentiate instruction of expected behavior through a variety of resources and regularly practice with students to ensure generalization across settings.

The links below provide resources for Defining and Teaching Expected Behaviors: 

Tier 1



Belly Breathing Using Our Five Senses

Mindful Belly Breathing 

Tier 1


Elementary Strategy Ring Cards

Secondary Strategy Ring Cards



Tier 1 Look Fors

Check In/Check Out 

Tier 1 Tier 2

A Guide to Active Supervision Want to foster a safe, engaged environment for students and staff alike? A Guide to Active Supervision is packed with practical strategies and proven techniques. This guide equips educators and administrators with the tools they need to enhance student success and promote positive behavior.

A Guide to Active Supervision pdf - button



Tier 2 Tier 1




Playground Game Rules 

All About Me

10 Things I Want You to Know About Me

My Personal Website


In developing either class-wide/individual motivational systems, consider using a Student Preference Assessment to determine what may serve as possible reinforcers for appropriate student behavior.


The links below provide resources for Preference Assessments:


Tier 2

 Tier 1


Supporting & Responding to Behavior
The purpose of the Supporting & Responding to Behavior is to summarize evidence-based, positive, proactive, and responsive classroom behavior intervention and support strategies for teachers. These strategies should be used classroom-wide, intensified to support small group instruction, or amplified further for individual students. These tools can help teachers capitalize on instructional time and decrease disruptions.


 Tier 2 Tier 1



Provide corrective, actionable feedback to teach the appropriate behavior. A correction procedure should be:

  1. Specific, using language from your classroom and/or school-wide behavior matrix
  2. Private, when possible
  3. Delivered in a respectful manner, keeping in mind tone, volume and cadence.


When inappropriate behavior occurs, remind student of the expected behavior and model that behavior. Provide many opportunities to practice the new skill.



4:1 Module

Building Positive Relationships Using 4:1

Tier 2 Tier 1




The links below provide resources for Behavior Contracts:


Tier 2



The links below provide resources for Daily Report Cards:


Doc Mcstuffins



Princess Tiana

Rainbow Butterfly

Shaun the Sheep



Yo Gabba

  • Info on Daily Report Card 

Tier 2



To reinforce socially appropriate behaviors.


Token Board


Tier 2



Visual Schedules


Tier 2



Multi-Tiered Tips & Strategies Flipbook
Multi-Tiered Tips & Strategies begins with Universal, Tier One supports.  The booklet continues with strategies that can be used to support school-wide, classroom and individual student support systems at Tier II and Tier III. The information in the booklet contains ideas and strategies to motivate and reinforce positive behavior in our students.


Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1




  • District Policies & Procedures

  • Restorative Questions Think Slips

  • Social Skills/Social Emotional Learning

  • Planning & Responding to Behavior

Responding to Minor Disruptions in the Virtual Classroom 

Tier 1 Tier 2


The purpose of the Supporting & Responding to Students’ Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs: Evidence-Based Practices for Educators is to summarize evidence-based, positive, and proactive practices that support and respond to students’ social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) needs in classrooms and similar teaching and learning environments (e.g., small-group activity).

Tier 2 Tier 1



Provide corrective, actionable feedback to teach the appropriate behavior. A correction procedure should be:

  1. Specific, using language from your classroom and/or school-wide behavior matrix
  2. Private, when possible
  3. Delivered in a respectful manner, keeping in mind tone, volume and cadence.

When inappropriate behavior occurs, remind student of the expected behavior and model that behavior. Provide many opportunities to practice the new skill.

Tier 2 Tier 1




Cool Down/Reflection Area



Top Ten Alternatives to Suspension
Adapted from the work of: Reece Peterson, University of Nebraska
Lincoln & Russell Skiba, Indiana University


Stay In School 1. Coordinated Behavior Plans for Any Student - Creation of a structured, coordinated behavior plan specific to the student and based on the assessment of the quantity and purpose of the target behavior to be reduced; should focus on increasing desirable behavior and replacing inappropriate behavior.

2. Alternative Programming - Changes in the student’s schedule, classes or course content; assignment to an alternative school or program; independent study or work experience program. Should be tailored to the student’s needs.

3. Behavior Monitoring - Strategies to monitor behavior and academic progress might include cards checked after each class regarding behavior, self charting of behaviors, strategies to provide feedback to the student, etc.

4. Appropriate In-School Alternatives - In-school alternative in which academic tutoring, instruction related to the student’s behavior such as social skills, and a clearly defined procedure to return to class as soon as the student is ready is provided.

5. Community Service - Required amount of time in community service in school system or in the community.

6. Counseling - Students required to participate in counseling.

7. Problem Solving and Collaboration with Parents/Caregivers 

8. Mini-Courses - Short courses or modules on topics related to their behavior as a disciplinary consequence.

9. Restitution - Financial or “in kind.” Permits the student to restore or improve the school environment.

10. Problem Solving/Contracting - Use negotiation/problem solving approaches to assist student to identify alternatives. Develop a contract which includes reinforcers for success, & consequences for continuing problems.

Tier 2



The links below provide resources for Behavior Contracts:


Tier 2



The links below provide resources for Daily Report Cards:


Doc Mcstuffins



Princess Tiana

Rainbow Butterfly

Shaun the Sheep



Yo Gabba

  • Info on Daily Report Card 

Tier 2



The Interim Behavior Response Plan (IBRP) supports school teams in the development and implementation of an immediate and interim plan for preventing and responding to behaviors.

The cycle of acting out behavior follows a distinct sequence. Each stage of the IBRP addresses the student’s behavior as well as staff responses (suggested strategies) that should be used to support the student in remaining or returning to calm.

Adult Self-Awareness Fillable Form

Co-Regulation Fillable Form

Student Glows & Grows Fillable Form

Interim Behavior Response Plan (IBRP) Fillable Template



Tier 3




  • PBIS/RP Modules

  • Restorative Practices

Elementary Restorative Rainbow Procedures

Elementary Restorative Rainbow Poster

Secondary Restorative Rounds Procedures

Secondary Restorative Rounds Poster

2 Students Provides a proactive systematic approach for schools to build a positive school culture that promotes Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Restorative practices emphasize community building and commit to restoring positive relationships. Restorative practices promote and strengthen positive school culture. It allows school staff to commit to the creation of an environment focused on instruction and positive behavioral support, which leads to academic success for all students. School communities implement school-wide expectations and restorative practices in unison with stakeholder groups to ensure successful positive school climates, stronger school communities, productive interpersonal relationships, and tools to address student misconduct.



7 Core Circle Guidelines with Description 

Affective Statements

Building Positive Relationships Using 4:1

Reflection/Think Sheets

Reflection/Think Sheets (Download)

PBIS/RP Introductory Manual

Restorative Questions and Conversations

Community Building 101

Core Circle Guidelines Presentation-Elementary 

Core Circle Guidelines Presentation-Secondary

Why Are Values Important


Repairing the Harm Circles 2-Page Guide

Attachment 1A - Repairing the Harm Circle Preparation Checklist

Attachment 1B - Repairing the Harm Circle Preparation Worksheet Template

Attachment 1C - Sample Repairing the Harm Circle

Attachment 1D - Repairing the Harm Circle Template Checklist

Attachment 1E - Repairing the Harm Circle Agreement Form

Attachment 1F - Repairing the Harm Circle Agreement Follow-up Form

  • Community Building Circles

  • Website Resources

UDL Guidelines

The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.


Tier 1



Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

Positive Behaviorial Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. PBIS creates schools where al students succeed. 


Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1




AFIRM Modules are designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring an EBP with learners with ASD from birth to 22 years of age. Supplemental materials and handouts are available for download.


Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1




Division of Special Education

Human Relations, Diversity, and Equity

School Mental Health

Social Emotional Learning

Wellness Programs



  • SHHS Social Media



    Administrative Coordinator:
    Laura Zeff
    333 S. Beaudry Ave. 29th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017
    Follow Us:

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