Region North
  • Why Social Emotional Learning? 


  • SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:

    • Develop healthy identities
    • Manage emotions
    • Achieve personal and collective goals
    • Feel and show empathy for others
    • Establish and maintain supportive relationships
    • Make responsible and caring decisions 


  • Contact

    Maribel Macias Contreras, Regional Social Emotional Learning Advisor, 818-654-3600
  • Social Emotional Learning is Multidimensional

    • SEL Instructional Practices: Creating the environment, structures, and conditions that support the teaching of SEL skills and mindsets
    • Explicit SEL Instruction: Teaching stand-alone lessons for specific SEL skills such as identifying emotions or showing how to create smart goals.
    • SEL Integration: Given the content objectives, integrating SEL skills to meet the learning objective. Allowing students to practice the SEL skills learned in various contexts.