What We Do
“Support school sites Counseling Departments to improve student success for all students by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program.”
Students must take the following A-G courses in order to meet the minimum LAUSD graduation requirements. Many of the courses overlap what is required by the California Department of Education (CDE). When the CDE requirement is greater than the A-G requirement, the difference is noted in the description.
Grades of “D” or better will be counted towards meeting the LAUSD graduation requirements. For UC/CSU eligibility a grade of “C” or better is required.
Please watch this video to learn more about the A-G courses.
Angelica Streif
Counseling Coordinator
Yolanda Jimenez
Counseling Coordinator
Stephanie Lartelier
Regional Administrative Coordinator, College and Career Counseling Services
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is one of the most important resources a student acn apply for to help fund their college education. Regardless of income, every student should file a FAFSA application.