• Rental of a Non-District Facility or Catering

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Rental of a Non-District Facility/Catering

Procurement Policies and Procedures

Procurement Manual 

Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

PSD Fingertip Facts

Master Agreements

Unified Digital Instructional Procurement Plan

Procurement Year-End Closing Timelines, FY23-24


Please visit Procurement Forms to obtain documents necessary for your purchase or transaction.

See the Procurement Manual for Procurement policies and guidelines.

Visit Solicitations to see what bidding opportunities are available for the Contract Administration & Procurement Branch: Professional Services Stock, Non-stock, and Foods Team.

Please use this link for Procurement Services Division/Facilities Contracts: Bidding Opportunities (

Please visit Vendors/Contractors Resources to register, see Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, and more.

  • In order to process a request for the rental of a non-District facility or catering, a school or office must provide:

    • The Request for Use of Non-District Facility/Catering form

    • If over $250,000, submit the Transmittal Form for the Office of the Superintendent approval.

    • An approved Shopping Cart using Product Category 91852 (Rental of Facilities) or 64020 (Catering), and General Ledger 560001.

    • When creating the Shopping Cart, requestor should omit the Vendor Code/Name to prevent the Purchase Order from auto-generating.

    • Provide the event-related, unsigned vendor’s contract, invoice or quote.

    • For processing, scan and email forms, quote and Shopping Cart/LRP to

    • Do not sign a contract with a vendor.  School Principals, Office Administrators, Heads of Organizations and/or Senior Staff DO NOT have the authority to sign vendors’ contracts or agreements.  

    • If you have any questions concerning Non-District Facility/Catering transactions please email

    If the vendor requires advanced payment, please refer to BUL-4589.1 for policy and procedures.