- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Transportation Home

Buses for Field Trips
To schedule your field trip, visit ifieldtrip to access the online field trip request system. Please also visit ifieldtrip for field trip changes, confirmations, or cancellations.
iFieldTrip Training via MyPLN
MyPLN is available for all District staff, administrators, teachers, SAA’s and designees. No appointment neccesary. Click here to obtain detailed iFieldTrip MyPLN training information.
For assistance, job aids, and videos visit the iFieldTrip Resources page.
Still need help?
- Regarding Online System Issues
- Field Trip Team: ifieldtrip@lausd.net
- Regarding Insurance/Pre-approved Sites/Policies
- Risk Management: ifieldtrip@lausd.net 213-241-0329
- Regarding Bus Information
- Transportation Dispatch: 1-800-LA-BUSES or 1-800-522-8737
- Regarding Athletics
- Athletics Office: interscholasticathletics@lausd.net 213-241-5847
- Regarding Funding Inquiries
- Transportation Accounting: tsd.fieldtrip@lausd.net 213-580-2910
- Regarding Online System Issues
- Alternative Trip Request for Multi-Day Trips and Non-School Requestors
An alternative to completing the application online is available for trips that meet the following parameters:
- The trip takes place on multiple dates or will require pick-up for multiple schools (i.e., late buses, recurring trips).
- The trip request will be submitted by non-school LAUSD staff or staff from a non-LAUSD organization.
To submit a bus field trip request that meets the above parameters, follow these steps:
- Download and complete the appropriate hardcopy forms per the funding source of your trip:
The forms are available for download and for completion using Microsoft Word. To download a form, right click on a form and select "Save Target As...". Select a location to save the file to and click "Save".
For Student Body funded field trips or Reimbursable field trips download both:
Form 78.20R - Authorization for Payment
Form 78.20T - Application for Auxiliary Transportation
For trips funded with a District funding line download:
Form 78.20T - Application for Auxiliary Transportation
- Scan and e-mail the hardcopy forms to tsd.fieldtrip@lausd.net.
- You will receive an e-mail with a bus confirmation number.
- Early Out Bus Requests
To request buses for shortened/minimum days, please notify your Area Bus Supervisor (ABS) of the dates and times for the requested buses at least two weeks (10 business days) in advance.
The ABS will review, and confirm, whether the requested buses are operationally possible. If possible, the ABS will provide you a cost estimate for the requested buses for your review.
After review, please provide your funding information (Step 8) on the Cost Estimate document for Accounting to confirm.
If you choose to use student body funds, please forward Form 78.20R - Authorization for Payment along with the Cost Estimate.
Either Transportation Accounting or the ABS (Area Bus Supervisor) will contact you if there are any issues with your request.
Should you have any questions or are unsure about your assigned ABS, please contact Transportation Accounting at (213) 580-2910.
As reference, review the following exerpts from Memorandums and Bulletins:
- MEM-6015.8 and MEM-5788.11 School Site Professional Development Priorities and Banked Time Tuesdays “Schools will not be required to pay transportation costs for Banked time Tuesdays listed on the approved calendar schedule. Schools may be required to pay transportation costs for dates other than those listed on the approved schedule of dates when requested by the school.”
- BUL-3979.0 Request for Approval of Minimum and Shortened Day Schedules – “Notify other individuals and offices at least two weeks in advance of the intended change in schedule.”
- Charges for Field Trips
The cost of bus transportation for a field trip is based on the number of hours the bus is requested for. For round trips, the number of hours begins at the requested pick-up time and ends at the requested return time.For one-way trips, the number of hours is twice the hours from the requested pick-up time to the requested arrival time. This is to cover the cost of returning the bus to its assigned location.
Due to the increase in demand and labor wages, a new tiered service rate schedule will be applied effective August 14, 2023. The new service rates vary depending on when a field trip occurs and how far in advance the principal approval is provided prior to the trip. Refer to the table below for the schedule of rates.
Months When Trip Occurs
Weekday or Weekend Trip
*15 Calendar Days or More Prior to Trip
*8 to 14 Calendar Days Prior to Trip
*Less than 8 Calendar Days Prior to Trip
July – March
July – March
April – June
April – June
*Principal Approval Provided
The rates reflect the increase in salary, fuel, and maintenance costs.
- Field Trip Invoice Inquiries
Program funded trips:
Expenses are charged to commitment item 430091. Please note, invoices are not generated for "Program" funded trips. To view the expenditure(s), please review your budget.
Student Body/Reimbursable funded trips:
Invoices may be generated from six to eight weeks after the trip date. For ongoing trips, invoices may be generated six to eight weeks from the last trip date. If you would like to pay an invoice with a District funding line, complete the Field Trip Bus Invoice Payment and email it to felina.reyes@lausd.net.
If you have any questions regarding the invoice for your field trip, please email TransportationInvoice@lausd.net
- Additional Resources
Approved Charter Bus Companies
Teacher/Bus Driver Cooperation on School Journey - BUL-6276.0