- Los Angeles Unified School District
- iCAAP Program
Teacher Induction Programs
The iCAAP Teacher Induction Program prepares Education Specialists and District Intern graduates for the California Clear Credential. The intent of the 24-month program is to provide an opportunity for each candidate to grow in their capacity as a teacher through an individualized program of reflection supported by like-credentialed Lead Mentors.
The Teacher Induction Program incorporates:
- assignment of like-credentialed Lead Mentor within 30 days of enrollment.
- development of Individual Learning Plan (ILP) goals within 60 days of enrollment: The ILP is designed and implemented solely for the professional growth and development of the participating candidate/teacher and not for evaluation for employment purposes.
- reflection and coaching which is grounded in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) and includes the processes of individualized goal-setting based on self-reflection and collaboration with the program Lead Mentor and school site administrators.
- an individualized system of intensive support from highly trained like-credentialed Instructional Faculty Lead Mentors, staff, and cohort members.
- a collaborative cohort model integrated with one-on-one coaching conversations, small group participation and interaction through the use of innovative technology such video recording, real time video conferencing, and more.
- authentic job embedded tasks and classroom-focused mentoring.
To enroll in iCAAP Teacher Induction, please complete this form here.
Applicants applying to participate in iCAAP's Teacher Induction program will be considered for enrollment for the next Induction Cohort beginning in January 2025.
The requirements for acceptance into the Induction program are:
- Current contracted teacher with LAUSD
- Must be working in a Special Education setting their current credential authorizes
- Must hold a preliminary (any specialty) or Level I (MMD or MSD only) Education Specialist credential verifiable via the CTC website: www.ctc.ca.gov
- Teachers with a Level I MMD credential will have to already hold or earn the Autism Spectrum Disorder Added Authorization (ASD-AA) to complete the program
- iCAAP personnel will contact you once the application information is verified.
- If you have any questions, you may email them to iCAAP@lausd.net. Please add "Induction" in the subject line of your email.
Click HERE for the TGI Program (for all other General Education teachers seeking to clear their Preliminary Credential).
The Los Angeles Unified School District is an equal opportunity employer. The Equal Opportunity Section is committed to ensuring that all employees of the District, including supervisors, co-workers, parents or any persons doing business with or for the District is provided with a learning and working environment free of harassment and discrimination. For more information click the link to access the Equal Opportunity Section. https://www.lausd.org/Page/3056
Patricia Pernin, Ed.D
(213) 241-5466
333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017