• Autism Spectrum Disorder Added Authorization


  • The Autism Spectrum Disorder Added Authorization (ASDAA) Program prepares teachers who hold a Level I Education Specialist Instruction Credential with Mild/Moderate, Deaf-and-Hard-of-Hearing, Physical and Health Impairments, and/or Visual Impairments Credentials for an additional credential endorsement that authorizes them to teach and support children on the Autism Spectrum.

    The ASDAA Program course of study focuses on how the autism spectrum disorder domains (e.g., persistent social communication/interaction, and restricted and/or repetitive patterns of behavior) impact students with autism spectrum disorders and offers teachers effective interventions to address student deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, and developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships.


    The Autism Spectrum Disorder Added Authorization Program incorporates:

    • Current theory and practical application.

    • Pedagogical strategies for teaching.

    • Researched-based preparation courses aligned to State-adopted credentialing standards CTC Standards, and LAUSD Initiatives.

    • Well-designed preparation courses taught by highly qualified experienced Special Education Instructional Facilitators who are trained professionals currently in the field of practice.

    • Collaborative cohort model integrated with one-on-one coaching conversations, small group interaction, workshops, seminars, and innovative technology such interactive journals, collaborative best practice demonstrations, and effective teaching technique videos.

    • Full-time ongoing support network with trained, like-credentialed, experienced teachers in similar subject areas, Teacher Advisers, and Specialists.


    All District Intern Programs are subject to District hiring needs and budget priorities.

    To be placed on an “interest list” for the next ASDAA cohort, please complete this form here.

    Minimum requirements for participating in ASDAA:

    • Current contracted teacher with LAUSD

    • Must not already be authorized to teach students with Autism

    • Must already hold an Education Specialist preliminary, clear, Level I or Level II credential


    For additional ASDAA Program information, please contact recruit@lausd.net and include your employee number. 


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