• Teacher Mentor Programs  

  • Our goal is to build a cadre of teachers who will have an impact on increasing student achievement through providing focused one-on-one and small-group support for teachers using evidence-based strategies and the instructional coaching process.  At its core, instructional coaching involves the classroom teacher and the coach examining practical strategies for engaging students and improving their learning through identification and implementation of effective teaching skills.

  • OurProcess

  • Program-Specific Mentor Training

    Once you become a mentor for a specific program (Provisional, University Intern, or Induction), your program contacts will share specific expectations for their program, including mentor training.   


    General Guidelines for the Mentor Information Series (optional)

    • You must be willing to serve as a mentor to a new hire, provisional
      teacher, or university intern 
    • NBC Teachers are eligible to attend only ONE session of Mentor Training per year. Registration for classes is on MyPLN.  The Teacher Development and Support (TDAS) Mentor Information Meeting is mandatory each year.


    Fundamentals of Mentoring             10  HOURS

    • Highly recommended
    • Pre-requisite:  Assigned as a mentor, or in the process of being assigned
  • Eligibility to Mentor


      • Employed at an LA Unified school or affiliated charter
      • 3 Years of Teaching Experience
      • Clear Teaching Credential
      • Selected as a non-NBC specific Grade-level/Content/Subject Area Mentor
      • National Board Certified Teacher (be sure PAC and Commitment Form/Action Plan are submitted) Check NBC Guidelines for mentee eligibility
      • Willing to serve as a mentor for New Hires, Provisional Teachers, and/or University Interns (within reasonable geographical distance from your school) 
  • TDAS Mentor Application

  • TDAS Mentor App Form TDAS Mentor Info Meeting via MyPLN Availability to Mentor

  • Contact 

    María Urbina Butler

    Administrator, Teacher Development and Support 

    Phone IconPhone:  (213) 241-5495

    eMail IconEmail:  TDAS@lausd.net

      Drop Pin  Address:

    333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
    14th Floor

    Los Angeles, CA 90017