- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Teacher Development and Support Branch
Student Teacher / Intern / Practicum Support Program
Welcome to The Los Angeles Unified School District family!
Since the founding of the first public school in Los Angeles in 1885, the Los Angeles Unified School District has grown to encompass 720 square miles and approximately 13,300 school campuses. Today, LA Unified is the second largest district in the nation and is led by Alberto M. Carvalho as Superintendent.
The educators in the Los Angeles Unified District reflect the vibrancy, diversity, and energy of Los Angeles itself. We are pleased to welcome you to our district as a student teacher and hope your experience will support your goal of becoming a member of this noble profession. We look forward to your joining us as a fully credentialed teacher.
Policies and Procedures On Site Procedures, Policies
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Access to Platforms WiFi, SSO, LMS
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Video Recording Guidelines Official Video Recording Forms
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Resources & Recruitment Orientation, Handbook, Resources, Recruitment
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- How do I conduct classroom or clinical observations? (Pre-Student Teaching)
CLASSROOM OBSERVATION PROCEDURES (for University/College Students)
University/college students aged 18 or older who wish to fulfill a university or college classroom observation requirement are welcome to do so as community members. University/college students wanting to conduct observation hours must complete the online volunteer application on the School Management Volunteer System and follow the steps below. Please note that the Teacher Development and Support Branch does NOT have access to the School Volunteer Management System or have the authority to approve classroom observations.
- Identify the school and obtain approval from principal of the school site before submitting volunteer application
- Apply as a LAUSD Community Member in the https://volunteerapp.lausd.net/ portal.
- Complete the application and electronically sign both the Volunteer Commitment Form and Liability Waiver Form. We have provided a LAUSD Volunteer Application Job Aid for you to follow. Note, that the registration process will initially indicate “parent.”
- Provide proof of recent TB clearance, including screening or negative test result to the principal or school designee. The school site will not begin processing the form until this is completed.
- The principal or designee and the Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement (FACE) will review the application (allow two to three weeks)
- Once both the school and FACE and the application is approved, the student will receive an email with a temporary badge. Reminder: No person may volunteer until all necessary clearances are verified by the school site principal and FACE.
- Students may contact the school to schedule observation hours.
If you have any questions regarding the processing of the volunteer application, you may contact the FACE Office at 213-481-3350.
- How do I start my Student Teaching / Internship?
Practicum placements provide university/college (IHE) students (candidates) with experiences that meet IHE requirements and introduce them to essential facets of the profession in the educational setting under the guidance of experienced host teachers.
Before a placement as a student teacher or practicum student can begin, the IHE must have an active Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).
Interested in completing your field experience in LAUSD?
- Work with your university or college program to get placed in a classroom for student teaching (or clinical internship).
- Your university liaison, usually the field coordinator, will send the Teacher Development and Support Branch (TDAS) a roster of student teachers who have confirmed placements at an LAUSD school site.
- Once TDAS receives the placement confirmation roster, you will begin clearance procedures (no earlier than 60 days before placement at an LAUSD site), which include fingerprinting and certified negative TB results. The IHE will provide you with the clearance procedures.
- Upon confirmation of placement and clearance by the TDAS, complete the application for Los Angeles Unified Single Sign-On using the Directions for Student Teachers
- Register for the Student Teacher Schoology Course: For the course code, email TDAS@lausd.net.
- Submit the Acknowledgment of District Policies and Procedures Form
- Attend the Student Teacher Orientation (Available at the start of each semester)
- Complete the 2024-2025 Annual Child Abuse Awareness Training course on MyPLN.
- Attend the Student Teacher Information Session - How to Apply to Los Angeles Unified (optional)
Visit the TeachinLA website to apply for a teaching position in LAUSD.
- How do I know that I've created a profile and applied as an intern?
You cannot be cleared to participate in field experiences until you apply as an intern. You can apply as an intern by using the following link:
Please use the attached Job Aid to help you create a profile and apply as an intern (Intern 725 should show up on top of the screen). When you are logged in, you will need to "push apply." Once you apply, your fingerprints can be assigned to your profile once you print. Email me back once you've applied.
Your profile should look like the following:
[Download the Success Factors Job Aide for Interns]
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lX6RCo9bxJ6dHbHZuatPuRxRtdihEYrR/view?usp=drive_link - I've fingerprinted, how can I check to see if I'm cleared?
The Live Scan Process takes approximately 3-7 days once DOJ/FBI receives your 41-LS form. Out-
of-state applicants must complete the FD-258 "hard-Card" manual fingerprint process, which
takes approximately 10-12 weeks to complete. Your prints may be delayed if any of the data on either
the 41-LS or FD-258 is incomplete, incorrect, or entered incorrectly by the applicant or fingerprint
operator.Your University/College will be contacted when LAUSD receives and processes your fingerprint results. You will also receive an email from LAUSD. If you do not receive an email after 14 days from your fingerprinting appointment, first contact your university/college before contacting LAUSD. You will be asked for an ATI number (found on the Live Scan Receipt) and Candidate ID (found in the email confirmation after creating a profile). Use the link below to start the inquiry request:
- How do I get access to a LAUSD non-employee SSO?
As a student teacher, you will need to obtain an LAUSD non-employee SSO to get access to Wi-Fi, email, and Schoology (LMS). Download the oneAccess Guide for student teachers here: https://bit.ly/one-access-guide
*NOTE: Currently oneaccess.lausd.net is only accessible on the LAUSD network. If you are unable to access the site, contact the ITS helpdesk at https://www.lausd.org/helpdesk or call (213) 241-5200 and select Option 2 for assistance.
- I've been approved to get a non-employee SSO. How do I get access to Schoology?
Student teachers and practicum students may be provided access to Schoology, the district’s Learning Management System. The Schoology account request will be approved or rejected by the School Principal. Student teachers will not have access to the grade book or student information. Download the Schoology access guide here: https://bit.ly/schoologyaccessguide.
If you have any issues with access, contact our ITS Helpdesk for assistance at https://www.lausd.org/helpdesk.
María Urbina Butler
Administrator, Teacher Development and Support
Phone: (213) 241-5495
Email: TDAS@lausd.net
333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
14th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017