• School Garden Guidebook


    Interested in learning more about the various types of gardens and how to start them? Check out the School Garden Guidebook for more information.

    The Guidebook provides information for Site Administrators on how to choose a garden that works best for the school community. It goes over how to start a garden, from engaging stakeholders and securing funding, to describing the type of maintenance required for the five main garden types. Garden types include, habitat, reading, edible, multi-use, and agriculture areas. It also includes pictures to help with all of your garden inspiration needs!


    LAUSD School Gardens


    Malabar ES - Outdoor Learning Environment
    Cheremoya ES - Multi-use Garden

    Sherman Oaks ES - Edible Garden

    Canterbury ES - Multi-use Garden

    Stanford ES - Edible Garden

    El Dorado ES - Edible Garden

    Walgrove ES - Habitat Garden

    Leo Politi ES - Pollinator Garden

    Parthenia ES - Outdoor Learning Environment

    Carthay ES - Habitat Garden

    Carthay ES - Habitat Garden

    Eagle Rock ES - Outdoor Learning Environment