• What You Can Do



    Greening Your Campus


    One of the most rewarding ways you can be a part of the District's sustainability efforts is to increase the amount of green space on your campus. 



    W.E. Garden at Westminster Elementary School 

    Why is Green Space important?

    • Gardens and outdoor classrooms provide a great space to learn about every subject.
    • Plants and trees improve air quality by absorbing toxins from the air and releasing oxygen
    • Plants and trees reduce global warming by sequestering carbon
    • Green spaces filter polluting water runoff by allowing water to infiltrate into the ground
    • Plants' roots prevent erosion
    • Plants and trees cool down schoolyards and classrooms with shade and transpiration
    • Gardens and outdoor classrooms provide an opportunity for hands-on experiential learning about the environment
    • Edible gardens provide fruits and vegetables and are a great way for students to learn about food and healthy eating
    • Creates peaceful places to read, think, meet quietly with friends, or even to spend a classroom period
    • Provides habitat for birds, pollinators, and other creatures
    • It is beautiful to look at!



    Student watering garden at Rosewood Elementary School

    What can you do?

    • Replace asphalt areas with plants
    • Plant a garden of drought tolerant native plants and/or edibles
    • Plant trees for shade
    • Build a vertical garden
    • Compost fruits and vegetables to enrich your garden and reduce its water needs



    Students working on a garden project at Walgrove Elementary School

    Getting Started

    Learn more and apply for a SEEDS garden here. You can also use the School Garden Guidebook for designing and implementing a non-SEEDS garden or greening project at your school.


    Campus Transformation at Dorsey High School 






    Send us your Campus Transformation photos!