Middle School Science NGSS Implementation
Los Angeles Unified School District has selected the Integrated Model published in the CA NGSS Framework for middle school science:The California Next Generation Science Standards- Preferred Integrated Model.
The expectations of the three-dimensional learning of NGSS for each grade band endpoints are well defined. It is of great importance that teachers use the progressions document as they plan for teaching and learning.
The Performance Expectations for each of the above courses can be found in the CA Framework or at bit.ly/lausdngssResources
Units - driven by students developing a model and/or explanation of a phenomenon, or driven by a problem for students to solve
- Fully Developed (free!) Curricula
- OpenSciEd - Rated as an Example of High Quality NGSS Design
- Stanford SCALE NGSS Curriculum
- Additional unit-level resources
- science.lausd.net - Curriculum Maps and Sample Units
- American Museum of Natural History Units
- nextgenscience.org/resources/examples-quality-ngss-design
- nextgenstorylines.org/middle-school
- ambitiousscienceteaching.org/unit-bundles/
- Geniverse - Explore heredity and genetics by breeding and studying virtual dragons.
- teach.genetics.utah.edu and learn.genetics.utah.edu Units need an anchoring phenomenon or an anchoring problem to solve.
- Maryland Loaner Lab Units for Middle SchoolFlipside Science (CA Academy of Sciences) Units may need an anchoring phenomena.
- Flipside Science (CA Academy of Sciences) a youth-powered series that tackles complex environmental topics and empowers students to make a difference.
- Ideas for phenomena
- About Phenomena and Qualities of a good anchor phenomenon
- ngssphenomena.com
- #ProjectPhenomena Database from San Diego County Office of Education
- thewonderofscience.com/phenomenal
- Phenomena Finder from Illinois Impact on Science Education
Lessons - to be strategically placed within unit arcs, to empower students to develop explanations of phenomena and/or solutions to problems
- ngss.nsta.org/Classroom-Resources.aspx
- ca.pbslearningmedia.org/subjects/science/
- hhmi.org/biointeractive/middle-school-life-science
- infiniscope.org
- phet.colorado.edu
- Google Science Journal Take out your cell phones, tablets and chromebooks and use the sensors to do science.
- globe.gov/do-globe/classroom-ready-activities/learning-activities
- High-Adventure Science (Earth and Space Science lessons and units which need some NGSS aligning and adapting)
- GEODE Transforming geoscience education with interactive models for exploring plate tectonics.
- EarthLabs (needs to be adapted to NGSS)
- www.exploratorium.edu/education/teaching-resources
- www.ck12.org
Assessment and Assessment Guides
- Optional LAUSD Interim Assessments for Science are available here
- NGSS Evidence Statements
- CAST (CAlifornia Science Test)
- Practice and Training Tests www.caaspp.org/practice-and-training/index.html
- Scoring Guides www.caaspp.org/administration/about/science/
- CAST Item Specifications
- CAST Blueprint
- NGSS Assessment Database and NGSS 3D Assessment Implementation Modules
- SNAP (Stanford NGSS Assessment Project)
- nextgenscienceassessment.org
Professional Development
- The Division of Instruction, in collaboration with local districts, rolled out 8 NGSS modules for secondary schools during Training the Trainer sessions with department chairs or their designees. Science departments are encouraged to engage in the module(s) that address their need. A unit planning module is also available for science departments and grade level meetings to support the implementation of NGSS. The goal of the module is guide teachers to develop NGSS aligned units. Click on this link to access the module.
- argumentationtoolkit.org
- Fully Developed (free!) Curricula