- Los Angeles Unified School District
- OEHS Programs
Chemical Product Evaluation Program
To date, OEHS has evaluated more than 8,000 products. Visitors to the OEHS website may download Safety Data Sheets (SDS) via MSDS Online or MSDS Search by Barcode. Authorized departments (e.g., Facilities Technical Services and Design Standards, Food Services, Maintenance and Operations, and other departments as determined by OEHS) may send a request to OEHS to evaluate a new chemical product for use in and around District sites. Here’s a link explaining the Chemical Product Evaluation Program Overview for requirements and evaluation details. In addition, a link to the Safety Alert No. 05-03 Approval of Chemical Products for District Use Revised 06-22-22 can be found here. This provides a simple step by step of the submittal and review process.
Facilities Technical Services and/or Design Standards must first determine if the product meets LAUSD specifications. Authorized departments will then submit the Chemical Evaluation Request Form along with a current SDS (16 section SDS compliant with GHS standard), and a Proposition 65 statement (often found in Section 15 of the SDS and mandated on product label). Please consider providing technical data sheets for product overview (i.e. methods of use, operating requirements, common applications), product labels, and other documents that may be helpful for the review. You may search approved products using the search tool below.
Contact chemeval@lausd.net with questions.
Chemical Product List
The District maintains a "Chemical Products List" specifying commercial products which have been reviewed and determined safe for use at District facilities. Chemical products may not be used in District facilities unless they are included in the approved list.
To search for a product, please use the filters on the Excel file below.
Chemical Approved List as of 01/15/2025. (Please use your district email address to access this link).
If your chemical is not listed please email us at: chemeval@lausd.net