- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Protecting the Safety of Vaccine Site Staff
Campus Safety
Sites will adhere to the following safety protocols:- The site will immediately consult with the LASPD or local law enforcement for incidents such as, weapons, drugs, suspicious activity, intruder and threats.
- Site should be advised by LASPD/local law enforcement if site operations must be ceased. If the site is under imminent threat, program leader can make determination to stop operations. Division lead and LASPD should be consulted for support. Program leader shall promptly notify their Division leadership of site closure and/or significant impact to site.
- If an emergency/disaster takes place while school is in session, the site team should follow and support the school's Integrated Safe School Plan (ISSP) and take direction from the principal/designee.
- For all non-life-threatening emergencies, site can contact LASPD at 213-625-6631 for support and consultation.
- The POD leader will serve as the lead for emergency purposes.
- If during an emergency the site has members of the public who remain on campus, site staff members will guide the public as the site follows emergency response protocols.
- All vaccination site staff are encouraged to download the LAUSD Emergency Plan app.
Refer to the Physical Security Measures (Security Plan) and the Emergency Quick Guide for District Program on a School Campus. The POD leader should also consult with the school administrator regarding the school’s ISSP and collaboration during major emergencies/disasters.
General Safety Considerations
- Staff should be vigilant for suspicious activity and persons approaching without appointments or being overly inquisitive about operational processes. Staff should report the person to Site Lead and School Police as soon as practical.
- Staff is encouraged to report suspicious activity including threats, drivers revving their engine and erratic driving.
- Because historically medical emergencies have been used as a distraction for criminal activity, designated staff should be identified to keep their post to ensure the safety of the vaccines and related supplies. Other staff will be free to respond to render aid.
Personal Protective Equipment
Due to the risk of COVID-19, additional personal protective equipment (PPE) are recommended for staff operating vaccine administration sites in the field, depending on the location as follows:
For staff administering vaccine or conducting reaction response in non-ventilated indoor space:- Gloves - changed after each vaccination
- N95 masks
- Face shields
- Gowns
- Head and shoe covers are optional
For staff administering vaccine or conducting reaction response in outdoor settings or ventilated large venues:
- Gloves - changed after each employee
- Procedural masks or disposable face masks
- Face shields
- Gowns
- Head and show covers are optional
For all other staff assisting at vaccine administration sites:
- Disposable non-medical gloves
- Disposable face mask
- Face shield
L.A. Unified COVID-19 Vaccination Site Checklists
Initial/Periodic Site Readiness Checklist
Initial/Periodic Site Readiness Checklist This checklist must be completed by the site supervisor/lead before the first time a site is allowed to open to employees for vaccination. Sites may be required to resubmit this checklist periodically. Checklist may be available to submit as an electronic survey. Subject Completed 1. All staff have completed the entire series of required online training in MyPLN. ❏ 2. All staff on site have received a negative COVID-19 test result from a District-provided COVID-19 test. ❏ 3. All staff are screened daily upon entry to site with current health screening questions/protocols. ❏ 4. All staff have received hands-on site training in their assigned role and proficiently perform the activities associated with their role. ❏ 5. Public Health safety measures are in place, emphasized as part of the vaccination site culture, and observed on site, including:
- wearing PPE correctly and as appropriate for the role
- physical distancing observed among staff o no communal items
- minimal shared spaces o frequent hand cleaning
❏ 6. All staff can log in to the app, using their own single sign-on account (not the account of another employee).
7. All staff have received hands-on site training in their assigned role and proficiently perform the activities associated with their role.❏ 8. All staff understand and can describe the entire vaccination process, beginning with making an appointment and ending with employee’s return appointment for final vaccination. ❏ 9. All site materials have been received and are available on site. ❏ 10. Inventory of all materials and test kits is adequate for several days and inventory updates submitted regularly by site supervisor/lead. ❏ 11. Signage is complete and in place, including:
- standing spots taped to floor/ground
- directional arrows
- Social distance reminders
- Three S for Safety poster
- Employee Vaccination Site entry sign
- Other required signage
❏ 12. Vaccination Site is fully staffed:
- Every lane has 1 Registrar; 4 Logisticians*; 1Vaccinator (licensed health care worker (HCW) or MA); 1 Questionnaire Screener (Licensed HCW)
- *Logisticians per lane-
- 1 per vaccination station (clerical, cleans chair, calls patient over)
- 2-3 per observation station (role is to clean chairs, check people out- give vaccine card and v-safe information if not already done (vaccine card has date/lot#/exp date on it already; individual writes in (L)/(R) arm and name)
- 1 per Vaccine prepping station assisting the 2 vaccine preppers /other
- Each site has 1 Screener- Licensed person: RN/NP/MD- 1 per vaccination station (Can double up as Vaccinator if short staffed with Licensed HCWs)
- Each site has 1 full-time Vaccine Coordinator**
- Each site has 1 full-time Back-up Vaccine Coordinator**
- **Each site has 1 full-time Medical Supervisor (NP, CD RN, or SN that has proven competence); this person can double as a Vaccine Coordinator or Back-up Vaccine Coordinator
- **Does not have to be licensed person, however, one of the two positions (Vaccine Coord or Back-up) at each site should be a NP or CD RN or SN that has proven competence; the non-licensed position would preferably be someone with prior experience as Vaccine coordinator (MA) but can be a non-MA that has proven competence after training.
- **The Non-licensed Vaccine Coordinator or Back-up can also double in any other appropriate role.
- Each site has 2 Vaccine Preppers- one licensed (any) and one MA (If MA in this position, there must be a NP or MD on site).
- Each site will have 2 Licensed persons (NP, RN, MD) per site at the Observation station
- Total (With one vaccine station; can add to this depending on # of these stations) = 13
- Licensed= 6
- Non-licensed= 6
- Licensed or Non-licensed= 1
❏ 13. Medical supervisor/designated lead has created a daily schedule for vaccination staff, including rotating breaks/lunch and adequate coverage for start/end times of vaccinating.
❏ 14. Vaccine Coordinator or Back-up Vaccine Coordinator checks every batch of vaccine for proper transport, storage, handling and labelling before they are provided for vaccinating. ❏ 15. Site supervisor/lead monitors the appointment dashboard (as available) daily and downloads the list of people scheduled for the site to prepare team. ❏ 16. Registrars are knowledgeable of and can perform the online booking application process for a “walk in” to obtain consent forms before registering for a vaccine. ❏ 17. Logisticians can demonstrate proper duties as outlined above. ❏ 18. Logisticians understand the importance of keeping the sample and the person together so that samples are not mixed up. ❏ 19. Vaccinators are proficient in vaccination procedures and can assist or coach persons as needed during the process. ❏ -
Daily Staff Briefing Checklist
Daily Staff Briefing Checklist This briefing will be conducted for all those working at the vaccination site and should take no longer than 20 minutes daily, before the start of vaccinating. The vaccination site supervisor/lead or a delegate is responsible for conducting the briefing. Subject Completed 1. Overview
- COVID-19 updates as known/necessary
- Information on population impacted and previous days’ operations
❏ 2. Scope of Operation (What has to be accomplished)
- Explain who will be served by this vaccination site.
- Discuss the anticipated duration of vaccination site operations.
- Discuss tasks to be accomplished.
❏ 3. Operating procedure (How this vaccination site will operate)
- Explain vaccination site set up and flow plan.
- Describe each functional area of the vaccination site and its purpose
- Identify leadership roles and which team members fill which roles.
- Describe process for communicating internally (among vaccination site staff).
- Describe process for breaks and restroom location (for staff).
❏ 4. Safety and Security (How vaccination site staff will be protected)
- Remind vaccination site staff about hand hygiene, masks and other protections and that site supervisor/lead acts as Safety Officer.
- Explain site security measures.
- Advise vaccination site staff to report all suspicious activity to a supervisor.
- Advise vaccination site staff of LASPD availability for support.
❏ 5. Media & External Inquiries (Where to direct inquiries)
- Vaccination site staff should direct all inquiries (from media and others) about vaccination site operations, including requests made via phone or emails to the site supervisor/lead.
❏ 6. Job Specific Training (To explain duties in more detail)
- Use job assignment and job action sheets to provide more detailed description of duties
- Explain who testing site workers should contact if they have questions while performing duties.
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Daily Set-up Checklist
Daily Set-up Checklist Upon activation of the vaccination site plan, the vaccination site (Medical) supervisor/lead or designee will complete the following checklist. Subject Completed 1. Review vaccination site plan and staff assignments to ensure availability of personnel to staff key positions. Reassign as needed.
❏ 2. Activate assigned staff to begin setting up vaccination site. First, establish Staff Check-in and supply areas. Set up vaccination stations per layout design.
❏ 3. Communicate activation of vaccination site plan to employees and families, including through social media and other District means of communication.
❏ 4. Forms and information.
❏ 5. Prepare and schedule staff briefing.
❏ 6. Conduct briefing and necessary just-in-time training.
❏ 7. Conduct inventory of supplies and communicate needs/discrepancies to appropriate staff, including verifying expiration dates on items as appropriate. Ensure that vaccine unit or tote (as appropriate) temperatures are checked and documented and that any excursions are properly dealt with per the COVID-19 Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit.
❏ 8. Conduct final walk through when vaccination site setup is complete to ensure that everything is ready.
❏ 9. OPEN vaccination site to employees on-time daily.
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Daily Closing Checklist
Daily Closing Checklist Upon completion of vaccination site operation or notification of demobilization, testing site supervisor/lead or designee will complete the following procedures. Subject Completed 1. Notify vaccination site staff of projected closing time.
❏ 2. Instruct vaccination site staff to complete all remaining operational tasks.
❏ 3. Ensure that remaining supplies are inventoried and properly stored for the transport/storage/pickup. Ensure that vaccine unit or tote (as appropriate) temperatures are checked and documented and that any excursions are properly dealt with per the COVID-19 Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit.
❏ 4. Notify VOC that your vaccination site operations are complete and closing.
❏ 5. Ensure all documentation has been completed including:
- Vaccination Site Employees/Volunteers sign in/out Sheet
- Inventory Tracking Sheet
- Vaccination Site Final Summary Form
- Vaccine unit or tote (as appropriate) Temperature Log
❏ 6. Ensure space used for vaccination site operations is cleaned up and in pre-closed vaccination site order.
❏ 7. Provide vaccination site Employees/Volunteers with final briefing including:
- Any updates from VOC and/or regarding COVID-19
- Any anticipated follow-up activities
- An opportunity to discuss things that went well and opportunities for improvement to add to Vaccination Site Plan
❏ 8. Contact VTOC to confirm procedure for returning items.
❏ 9. Retain and store all completed documentation until further notice.