- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Instruction
LD West Theory of Action for Deep Math Instructional Change
System-Wide Theory of Action
District Level:
If Local District West trains and supports all school leaders, to implement and maintain Collaborative Inquiry System and Structures, and to monitor Ambitious Math Teaching, then school cultures characterized by collective responsibility for student learning, commitment to equity, and trust will be established which will in turn lead to sustained improvement both in math teaching practice for All teachers and in math student outcomes for All students year after year.
School Level:
If schools systematically provide all teachers with new learning and implementation support with the Ambitious Math Teaching Components (Skillsets, Mindsets, and Toolsets) with an emphasis on adopting and implementing high-leverage math instructional activities, and also provide all teachers with new learning and implementation support with building a Collaborative Inquiry Cycle System in their grade levels then deep math instructional change for excellence and equity will occur school-wide and be sustained over the long term.
Teacher Level:
If teachers use high-leverage math instructional activities daily and regularly engage in collaborative inquiry cycles with their grade levels to continuously improve with these activities that will allow them as a team, to engage at a high level in effective and equity-based math teaching practices, which will lead to high academic achievement and productive math identities for all students.
Collaborative Inquiry the Why (Impact on Teaching Practice, Teacher Identity, Student Achievement, and Student Identity)
Increases Collective Teaching Efficacy
Increase Teacher Generative Change
New Collective Teacher Identity
Leads to Deep Math Instructional Change/Ambitious Math Teaching
Collaborative Inquiry the What (Definition and Elaboration)
Collaborative Inquiry is the relentless pursuit of excellence and equity subjected to the rigor of evidence and results. –Love et. Al (2008)
Collaborative Inquiry Cycles
1) Learning Cycles (Lab Days and Coaching Cycles Led by Content Expert)
2) Continuous Improvement Cycles (PLC driven by SMART Goals or Model of Improvement with PDSA Cycles)
3) Instructional Cycles (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
Collaborative Inquiry the How (System and Structures)
A System = People + Processes + Equipment/Tools
Definition of Structure: A time and place where the work gets done.
School Leader/ILT Presentation
Establishing a Collaborative Inquiry Cycle System for SBA Math IABs