Local District West

  • Ambitious Mathematics Teaching (AMT) Framework - Local District West

     Principles of Ambitious Math Teaching or Deep Math Instructional Change

    • Focus on Enacting at a High Level, Effective and Equity Based Math Teaching Practices (see below), the leading indicator for deep instructional change in math teaching. 
    • Use Rigorous and Relevant Tasks within High-Leverage Math Instructional Activities as the Lever for Deep Math Instructional Change as they Serve as Containers for the Effective and Equity-Based Math Teaching Practices (see tables at bottom of page) 
    • Affect shifts in Teacher Skillsets, Mindsets, and Toolsets to attain Ambitious Math Teaching (AMT) through new learning and implementation support and then self-sustained collaborative inquiry cycles thereafter. All 3 components are necessary and if one is missing (i.e. mindsets) AMT will not be attained. 
    • Cultivate Cultures that Use Student Work Data Regularly with a Focus on Student Mathematical Thinking as part of Collaborative Inquiry Cycles by building systems and structures and training on roles, processes or protocols, and tools. 
    • Engage in Regular Collaborative Inquiry Cycles to develop Collective Teaching Efficacy (John Hattie & Jenni Donohoo & Adaptive Schools), Teacher Generative Change, and to build a New Collective Identity for Teacher Teams. 
    • Focus on the Teacher Team (grade level, grade span, or department), as the unit of change. (Gibbons et. all 2017)


    AMT Skillsets: Excellence and Equity in Math Teaching Practices


    Foundational Documents and Activities

    These documents and activities support participants with developing and deepening understanding of the Effective Math Teaching Practices from Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All.

    1. Effective Math Teaching Practices
    2. Executive Summary   
    3. Principles to Action Professional Learning Tool Kit (Requires an NCTM Account)    
    4. Principles to Actions Reflection Guide for Book Study    
    5. Guiding Principles for School Mathematics

    Impact Math Identity

    Foundational Documents and Activities

    These documents and activities support participants with developing and deepening understanding of the Equity-Based Math Teaching Practices from The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-Based Practices.

    1. Equity-Based Math Teaching Practices    
    2. Mathematics Learning Autobiography    
    3. Teacher Identity Activity  
    4. Book Study Materials

    AMT Toolsets: Rich & Relevant Tasks and High Leverage Math Instructional Activities

    Rich Mathematics Tasks Resources


    Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics - Rich Math Tasks

    Rich math tasks are great tools to engage students in the CCSS Standards of Mathematical Practice while building content knowledge.  They're also a wonderful formative assessment tool.

    High Leverage Math Instructional Activities (IAs) that Contain Many Effective Math Teaching Practices


    Number Sense and Reasoning Routine

    NCTM Effective Math Teaching Practices Addressed

    Hyperlink to Implementation Resources

    Number Strings*

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

    Number Strings Resources

    Which One Doesn’t Belong *(WODB)

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

    Which One Doesn't Belong Google Drive Folder

    Choral Counting*

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

    Choral Counting Google Drive Folder

    Number Talks*

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

    Number Talks Google Drive Folder 

    Ways to Make a Number*

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

    Ways to Make a Number Google Drive Folder

    True/False Number Sentences

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus the learning.
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking
    True False Number Sentences Google Driver Folder

    * PD on this Math IA provided by LD West Elementary Math Coordinator


    Counting Collections Lesson  OR Problem Solving Lesson

    NCTM Effective Math Teaching Practices Addressed

    Hyperlink to Implementation Resources

    Counting Collections Lesson #

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus the learning.
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking
     Counting Collections Resources

    Cognitively Guided Instruction Problem Solving Lesson# (Launching Task, Problem Solving, Strategy Share)

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

    CGI Problem Solving Lesson Resources

    Three Phase Problem-Based Lesson#

    (Before Phase, During Phase, After Phase)

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

    Three Phase Problem Based Lesson Resources

     Three Act Task Lesson

    (Act 1, Act 2, Act 3)

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking
     Three Act Task Lesson Resources

    Curriculum Embedded Performance Tasks#

    • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
    • Implement tasks that promote  reasoning and problem solving
    • Use and connect mathematical representations
    • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
    • Pose purposeful questions
    • Build procedural fluency through conceptual understanding
    • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics
    • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

    Performance Task Resources

    # PD on this Math IA provided by LD West Elementary Math Coordinator