Local District West

  • Resources for Families and Communities


    NEW ITEM: CGI At HOME (Continuity of Learning Linked Resources Below)




    Common Core Math: a Grade-by-Grade View for Parents

    This document from the University of Oregon gives a grade­‐by­‐grade view of the development of mathematics learning  described  in  the  Common  Core  State Standards.  Download the document here at this LINK.

    The Council of the Great City Schools' parent roadmaps in mathematics provide guidance to parents about what their children will be learning and how they can support that learning in grades K-8. These parent roadmaps for each grade level also provide  three-year snapshots showing how selected standards progress from year to year so that students will be college and career ready upon their graduation from high school. Access their roadmaps in English HERE and in Spanish HERE.

    What Will My Child Learn CA Department of Education Brochures

    Grades K-2

    Grades 3-5

    Grades 6-8


    Resources from the California Math Council

    The California Mathematics Council (CMC) is an association of over 6,000 teachers, administrators, parents, and teacher-educators from California, 45 other states, Canada, Australia, and seven other foreign countries who are committed to improving mathematics learning in the private and public classrooms throughout California, North America and the world! The following are resources and publications from their website:

    The Math at Home parent guide to mathematics education is available in English and Spanish. Click on the links below the cover to download a FREE copy of that Math at Home parent guide to mathematics education (permission is granted to share these files with parents, guardians, and educators—all other uses require expressed permission):


    K-12MathatHomeEnglishCoverBW K-12MathatHomeSpanishCoverBW PreKMathatHomeEnglishCoverBW PreKMath@HomeSpanishCoverBW
      K12MathatHomeEnglish   K12MathatHomeSpanish      PreKMathatHomeEnglish  PreKMathatHomeSpanish


    The California Mathematics Council’s Professional Development Committee has created a PowerPoint presentation that can be used at parent meeting to introduce the CMC Early Learning Math at Home booklet, resources, and lessons. To download a copy of either PowerPoint presentation, click on either of the links below. The PowerPoint presentation will automatically be downloaded to your computer.


    Early Learning Math at Home Presentation

    The Early Learning PowerPoint and talking points are designed for groups to use when introducing the Early Learning document.  The audience can be parents alone or parents with their children.


    Aprendizaje Temprano Matematicas En Casa

    El PowerPoint Aprendizaje Temprano y puntos de discusión están diseñados para que grupos lo utilizamos a la hora de introducir el documento de Aprendizaje Temprano. La audiencia puede ser padres solos o padres con sus hijos.


    Additional Websites - Math Activities to Use with Your Child


    Helping with Homework

    How can you support your child with homework? This website, from the Mathematics Education Collaborative, has practical suggestions for how family members and caregivers can ask productive questions when children say, “I don’t get it!” or “I don’t have any homework.”  

    Eureka Math Parent Support


    Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Parent Support and Resources

    How Multidigit Operations Work

    Games to Play at Home

    Talking Math with Kids

    Fluency without Fear: What about Memorization?

    This short paper, Fluency Without Fear, illustrates both the damage that is caused by the practices that often accompany the teaching of math facts – speed pressure, timed testing and blind memorization – and summarizes the research evidence of something very different – number sense. High achieving students use number sense and it is critical that lower achieving students, instead of working on drill and memorization, also learn to use numbers flexibly and conceptually. Memorization and timed testing stand in the way of number sense, giving students the impression that sense making is not important. One way to do this is via games and tasks in which students learn math facts at the same time as working on something they enjoy, rather than something they fear. Check out all of YouCubed Parent Resourcs at this Website.

    Number Talks for Parents/Families


    What is a Growth Mindset? How can it help with Math?

    Find out here: MindsetKit.Org is a free set of online lessons and practices designed to help you teach and foster adaptive learning mindsets.

    Development and Research in Early Math Education (DREME)

    Development and Research in Early Math Education