The Granada Hills Science Center houses the science materials that can be
checked out by teachers of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday – Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Before you use our online Checkout Request Form, feel free to browse our Checkout Inventory Catalog, to see what we house at the Granada Hills Science Center.
User name: guest
Password: guest
Browse Checkout Inventory Catalog here
Step 1: Select "Online Order"
Step 2: Fill out order form completely.
Step 3: Type in specific items you know we have but are not listed on the order form(Browse Catalog here).
Step 4: Click "Done" to submit your request.
Online Checkout requests
Science Materials Available for Purchase
Purchase Owl Pellets, Frogs, Fetal Pigs, etc here!
New dates added!
Digital Planetarium Orientation Request Form
Press here
Check out our videos!
Granada Hills Science Center YouTube Channel
Virtual Field Trips!
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
Live Webcam Sites!
San Diego Zoo
Smithsonian National Zoo
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