Step 3B: See below if you cannot find your item at General Stores Distribution or Master Agreements and your purchase is greater than $5,000 for supplies, equipment, and general services, or any dollar amount for professional services. Always remember that Procurement Services encourages competition regardless of the dollar threshold.

    Purchases for supplies, equipment, and general services greater than $5,000 and professional services for any dollar amount require a Shopping Cart in Approved status in the financial system (SAP) to be submitted to Procurement Services. Procurement Services will provide the required purchase order and/or contract (for professional services).


    Request for Procurement Action: In addition to the required Shopping Cart, for Professional Services purchases over $25,000 and for supplies, equipment, general services purchases over the State Competitive Bid Limit, a completed Request for Procurement Action (RFPA) form is required. Click  HERE to download the RFPA form. 


    Below are the types of purchases and various dollar amount thresholds greater than $5,000.

    Supplies, Equipment and General Services Purchases - Review the information below for guidance on Procurement policies and procedures. Additional information is provided in the Procurement Manual. 

    • Supplies, Equipment and General Services Purchases Over $5,000 to Below the State Competitive Bid Limit:

    You must enter a Shopping Cart in SAP with at least one vendor quote attached and validate that it is in “Approved” status. Procurement Services will review and process the transaction.

    • Supplies, Equipment and General Services Purchases Over the State Competitive Bid Limit:

    Dollar thresholds at or above State Competitive Bid Limit require formal competition conducted as a formal Invitation for Bid. These are also handled by Procurement Services 

    Formal competition is required for supplies, equipment and general services purchases over the State Competitive Bid Limit. In addition to Chapter 4, Section F.1, review Chapter 5 - Formal Competition of the Procurement Manual (link provided below) to ensure compliance with District policy.


    If you have any questions regarding supplies, equipment and general services purchases greater than $5,000, please call (562) 654-9352.


    Professional Services Purchases - Review the information below for guidance on Procurement policies and procedures. Additional information is provided in the Procurement Manual. 

    • Professional Services Purchases up to $25,000:

    You must submit a zero-dollar Shopping Cart in SAP and attach at least one vendor quote and other documents supporting selection. Procurement will work with you to ensure the District obtains the best price for the services. 

    • Professional Services Purchases over $25,000 and up to $250,000: 

    An Informal Request for Proposals (IRFP) process is required. You must complete an RFPA and submit a zero-dollar Shopping Cart in SAP with a Scope of Work and selection criteria attached. Following Procurement’s review of the documentation and preparation of the IRFP package, you will need to identify three to five sources to notify about the solicitation. PSD will conduct the IRFP competition and work with you to select the vendor. 


    Formal competition is required for professional services purchases over $250,000. Please review Chapter 5 - Formal Competition of the Procurement Manual (link provided below) to ensure compliance with District policy.


    If you have any questions regarding professional services purchases greater than $25,000, please call (213) 241-8765.