- Los Angeles Unified School District
- San Fernando H.S. 2016 Art Show
Cohort 2 Year 1: Peer Observation Activity
The MOU states,
One of the evaluation elements that we would like to test drive this year is peer observation. Because of content and instructional competency, peers can often provide a different perspective on a teacher's practice than that of administrators or "outside" observers. Teachers who choose peer observation should download the protocol below, plan and carry out their observation, and then submit their feedback on the experience. This activity is worth 6 hours of SIG time.
Please download the 2x2 observation protocol (click here) and the Teaching and Learning Framework Rubric. Also, thank you to Gage MS for their suggestions to improve the protocol.
After you and your colleagues complete the peer observation, please come back here to submit the results of your observations and give feedback on the process. Click here to see the feedback form.
Gage MS, Muir MS, and Manual Arts HS only: Please note this is a "Choose 1" activity, which means you can only pick one of the following: Peer Observation, Eye of the Observer Training, Growth and Development Module. If you do more than 1 of these activities, we will not be able to compensate you for the extra hours. If you are unsure about what to do, please contact Paul Hsu at paul.hsu@lausd.net or 424-241-3411.