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    Equipment Inventory Guidelines


    Because SIG is a Title I program, we follow the same inventory and auditing procedures as other Title I programs (see Bulletin 3508.7).  Please note the following:


    1. Upon receipt, all SIG equipment must be labeled with the red stickers. The stickers can be obtained from your ESC Title I coordinator, from the Federal and State Education Programs Branch or the SIG office.  Please fill in the following information on the red stickers:

      Use Attachment B (from BUL-3508.7) to keep track of your equipment purchases (click here for attachment).  Form B will also be used during physical inspections.
    2. Use attachment C (from BUL-3508.7) to report salvaged, stolen or missing equipment (click here for attachment).
    3. The school is responsible for the accuracy of inventory records throughout and at the end of each school year.  A physical check is required every 2 years but schools may be asked to show SIG equipment at any time.
    4. For detailed information regarding the inventory protocol, refer to BUL-3508.7: Inventory Requirements for Equipment Purchased with categorical Program Funds or visit the Federal & State Education Programs Office website at http://fsep.lausd.net.  Please contact the SIG office if you have any questions.