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    Resources for Parents and Community Members

    Below are important links and resources for parents and community members.

  • enroll.lausd.net

    Not sure how to enroll in Los Angeles Unified? The Enroll.lausd.net website allows families new to the District the ability to pre-enroll in their assigned neighborhood school or accepted Choices placement online. Current and new families can also use this website to pre-enroll in Virtual Academy, enrichment and summer programs. Visit https//enroll.lausd.net to get started!


    Wondering what exciting programmatic options Los Angeles Unified has to offer your child(ren)? Explore and discover many of the exciting options within the Los Angeles Unified School District at https://enrollnow.lausd.net. The website provides information on how to attend our amazing school choice programs.

    Equitable Enrollment Resolution

    The Equitable Enrollment Resolution states that the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District commits to ensuring that all students have equitable access to high-quality educational programs, including District choice programs; and that particular focus be given to students who have been historically underserved, including low-income students, students of color, students with disabilities, homeless youth, foster youth, and all typologies of English learners (including Standard English Learners, newly arrived English Learners, Dual Language Learners, long term English Learners, and dually classified students).

    Open Data Dashboard

    The Open Data Dashboard allows parents and community members to view, download, and interact with District and School performance data compiled from a variety of sources. The site includes such information as graduation rates, state assessment scores, and college and career readiness.  

    LAUSD Resident School Finder

    Need help locating your assigned neighborhood school? Visit the LAUSD Resident School Finder to identify your school of residence and to confirm that your address is within the boundaries of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

    Need Help Attending LAUSD?

    Visit our Need Help? website for assistance with everything from password re-sets to Pre-K to Adult school enrollment. We offer extensive resources for families, including User Guides, Video Tutorials and phone support.