• Gradebook

Long-term substitutes (in assignment for 21 days or more) can be added to MiSiS and will have access to the Schoology Gradebook within 1-6 hours. Short-term subs must have the Office Manager, Scheduling Administrator, or Counselor enter grades in the Manage Grades by Class screen in MiSiS.

In the Gradebook, click on the "Last Name, A-Z" drop down arrow and select one of the following options.
1. First Name A-Z 
2. First Name Z-A
3. Last Name A-Z 
4. Last Name Z-A

In your course, proceed with the following:

1. Click Members
2. Select Inactive
3. Click on the Bar Graph by the student's name

To remove an exception, excused, incomplete, or missing, from your gradebook, click on the exception icon, and deselect your exception from the menu.

Students who are moved to another course are inactive in the dropped course. If you need to access their grades follow this procedure:

1. Select the course where student dropped
2. Click on members
3. Click on inactive tab
3. Locate the student's name
4. Click on the bar graph to generate their grades

Only students who have officially been scheduled to the course in MiSiS will have their grades published with the Grade PassBack App in Schoology.

Student assignments can be copied to multiple periods. Create tests/quizzes that can be administered online, then automatically graded and recorded in the system.

Course and student rosters are automatically provisioned and updated nightly for teachers. Mobile app for devices is included.

Yes, when Schoology was launched district wide, a "Sandbox" course was provided to every teacher. If your account is missing a sandbox, please contact the help desk at 213-241-5200 (option 5 then option 1) to have one created for you. 

Schoology does not have a seating chart feature. A seating chart can be found in MiSiS as part of the attendance screen.

Schoology does not have a feature to automatically recur assignments.


  1. Create a generic assignment with your preferred settings in Resources
  2. Add the assignment to your course(s)
  3. Make edits to the copied assignment

To see more information on how to create an assignment, see the following link:  

Courses and student rosters will be available in Schoology once they are inputted into MiSiS. Nothing is required from school sites other than creating an accurate master schedule.
All teachers will be able to enter assignments and grades into the Online Gradebook.

Secondary teachers will use the MGP 2.0 App to sync grades into MiSiS.  

Elementary teachers will use the EGP - Elementary Grade Passback app to sync grades into MiSiS.  Elementary teachers will follow the LA Unified's Policy Bulletin BUL 2332.7
Grade Passback is only available to roster carrying teachers.

  • If you were unable to find your answer please create an online MiSiS  ticket.