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The rich diversity that permeates our school communities is one of our defining characteristics and greatest assets. L.A. Unified proudly brings together students from all walks of life, backgrounds, and regions of the world, giving students and staff unparalleled exposure to diverse viewpoints and cultures.
The LA Unified 2025: We Are One campaign formalizes and amplifies the District’s efforts to cultivate welcoming learning environments for all students.
Per the November 2024 LA Unified Board Resolutions, the District is a “sanctuary district” and safe zone for families threatened by immigration enforcement. The District has protocols for responding to immigration personnel requests for information about students, families, and staff.
LA Unified policies reaffirmed in November 2024 outline the following:
- The District stands in unity with all of the students, families, and staff in our school communities and embraces Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion throughout the District.
- The District has protocols for responding to immigration personnel requests for information.
- The District will do everything in its power to protect and defend students, families, and staff, and will defend all students’ right to a public education.
- Every District site will be a place of support and resources for all students and families, regardless of immigration status and any other protected groups in alignment with the District’s Nondiscrimination Policy.
LAUSD Policies
- 2024-25 Student / Parent Handbook
- Bullying and Hazing Policy (BUL-5212.3)
- CA Attorney General: Promoting a Safe and Secure Learning Environment for All
- Enrollment, Attendance, and Withdrawal Policies and Procedures (BUL-4926.4)
- Gender Identity and Students – Ensuring Equity and Nondiscrimination (BUL-6224.3)
- Hate-Motivated Incidents and Crimes – Response and Reporting (BUL-2047.2)
- LAUSD Campuses as Safe Zones and Resource Centers (REF-6767.3)
- Nondiscrimination Required Notices and Ordering of Student Brochures (MEM-5818.12)
- Pupil Records: Access, Confidentiality, and Notice of Educational Rights (BUL-6887.1)
- Records Retention and Destruction (Other than Pupil Records) (BUL-6825.0)
- Records Retention for School Sites (REF-071300.0)
- Visitors To School Campuses and Locked Campuses During Class Hours at All Schools (BUL-6492.2)
Request A School-Site Workshop
Are you an LA Unified principal that would like to request a "Know Your Rights" workshop at your school? To schedule a workshop offering information to families on topics related to legal rights, public charge, access to health care, respect & resilience on campus, and educational rights, please call 213-241-3840.
Principal requests will be processed beginning the week of February 3, 2025. In the interim, students and families can watch Family Academy's informational webinars on Know Your Rights and Rooted in Resilience.
For more resources for principals, please head to the Principal's Portal.
We Have Rights
An empowerment campaign to prepare for and safely defend our rights during encounters with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). See more videos in various languages here: www.wehaverights.us.
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This website does not offer legal advice. It provides some guidance on how to be prepared and links to educational, health, and legal services. The information on this webpage is subject to revisions and updates depending on any changes in policies, procedures, and law.
District personnel cannot give legal advice concerning specific matters. However, it is the District’s opinion that licensed attorneys are the most likely to provide reliable legal advice. Please note that the information provided does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the District and may only be used for informational purposes.