English Learner


    Adding Section Attributes for English Learner Services
    English Learner Services
    Creating an SSPT Referral for Reclassification
    Creating an SSPT Referral for Reclassification
    Edit English Learner Screen
    Edit English Learner
    English Learner Mass Reclassification Process
    EL Mass Reclassification
    Entering a Standard English Learner Linguistic Screener Assessment
    Entering a Standard English Learner Linguistic Screener Assessment
    Entering Multilingualism Awards
    Entering Multilingualism Awards
    Entering Parent Notification Dates
    Entering Parent Notification Dates
    Generate EL Progress Profile Report
    EL Progress Profile
    Generate ELPAC Labels
    Generate ELPAC Labels
    Generate English Learner Enrollment by Teacher Report
    EL Enrollment by Teacher Report
    Generate English Learner Roster 
    English Learner Roster
    Generate Master Plan Roster
    Master Plan Roster
    Generate and Print a Reclassification Letter
    EL Reclassification Letter
    Generate and Print Reclassification Labels
    EL Labels
    Generate and Print the RFEP Monitoring Letter
    RFEP Monitoring Letter
    Generate and Print the RFEP Monitoring Roster
    Generate and Print the RFEP Monitoring Roster
    Initial Notification of Enrollment and Placement Report
    Initial Notification of Enrollment and Placement Report
    Initial Parent Notification of Language Test Results
    Initial Parent Notification of Language Test Results
    Initial Reclassification Acceleration Plan Report
    Individual Reclassifcation Plan Report
    Initial Student Classification and Placement
    Initial Student Classification and Placement
    Mass Notification Date Entry Screen
    Mass Notification Date Entry Screen
    Reclassification Process (End-to-End)
    Reclassification Process (End-to-End)
    Update Master Plan Instructional Program
    Update Master Plan Instructional Program