- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Instructional Support Services
Title I Balboa Office
Welcome to the Region North Title 1 Website
Title I CoordinatorsJoel Sanchez Cecilia Riquelme(818) 654-3658 (818) 654-3664
Title I Resources for Schools
High Quality Strategic Planning & Comprehensive Needs Assessment
SPSAs and SPSA Modifications
- 2022-2023 SPSA Goal Matrix - Adapted fr FSEP 102021 - LDNW 11-01-21
- Recasted Prompts for SPSA Goal Page Prompts 1-4 - LDNW 02-18-20
- SPSA Modification & BAR Process - FLOWCHART - LDNW 08-03-20
- SPSA Modification 2022-2023 - TEMPLATE - LDNW 08-22-22 - UPDATED!!
- Completing the SPSA Modification Template - GUIDE - Adapted fr LDNW - FSEP 08-05-21 - NEW!!
- SPSA 7S046 Modification and BAR - SAMPLE - LDNW 11-04-21
- Title I Commonly Budgeted Non-Position Items - Adapted fr LDNW - FSEP 08-05-21
- Title I Equipment Purchase Look Fors - FSEP 07-26-21 - NEW!!
- Res Inequities & Evid B Intervention - ANNOTATED ANCHOR - LDNW 12-05-19
- CSI & ATSI School Information and Resources - WEBPAGE - LINK
- SPSA Program and Budget Handbook (English and Spanish) - WEBPAGE - LINK
- How to Add a Designee on SPSA Online Platform - JOB AID - FSEP 08-17-20
- 2019 CA Dashboard Perf Levels and Data - FRAMES and SAMPLES - LDNW 01-23-20
Title I Budget Planning and Development (for SPRING BUDGET DEVELOPMENT ONLY)
- SPSA Program and Budget Handbook 2022-2023 (Online, English & Spanish Versions) - WEBPAGE - LINK -- NEW!!
- Title I Commonly Budgeted Items - GUIDE - FSEP 07-16-21
- Budget Development 2022-2023 (INCLUDING FN0 ESTIMATED RATE SHEET) - School Fiscal Services - LINK -- (Caution: DO NOT USE THE RESOURCES AT THIS LINK FOR MODIFICATIONS!!!)
- Title I Equipment Purchase Look Fors - FSEP 07-26-21
- Allowable SIM from the LAUSD General Stores Warehouse - WEBPAGE - LINK
- Allowable GST from the LAUSD General Stores Warehouse - WEBPAGE - LINK
- Budget Planning Matrix - SAMPLE & TEMPLATE - LDNW 08-03-20
- Contingency Decision Making - SAMPLE - LDNW 06-16-20
- Budget Development Tool - LDNW 02-16-21
- Title I Budget Item Crosswalk - FSEP 02-11-21
Title I Budget Implementation and Procurement
- 2021-2022 Title I Cheat Sheet - GUIDE - FSEP 02-16-21
- Shopping Cart Checklist for SAAs - LDNW 10-12-21 -- NEW!!
- Title I Equipment Purchase Look Fors for Schools - FSEP 07-26-21 - NEW!!
- Title I Commonly Budgeted Non-Position Items - GUIDE - Adapted fr LDNW - FSEP 08-05-21 -- NEW!!
- 2021-2022 SPSA Program and Budget Handbook - LINK
- LRP Warehouse Order - FORM - Procurement 08-14-20
- Allowable SIM from the LAUSD General Stores Warehouse - WEBPAGE - LINK
- Allowable GST from the LAUSD General Stores Warehouse - WEBPAGE - LINK
- Hyperlinked Control Sheets - WEBPAGE - LINK
- Simplified Control Sheet - TRACKER - LDNW/LDNE 08-14-20
- How to Create a Multi-Funded Shopping Cart - JOB AID - Procurement 01-23-20
- Duplo 50-50 Shopping Cart - SAMPLE - LDNW 09-02-20
- School Fiscal Services Job Aids & Training - WEBPAGE - LINK
- 2020-2021 Procurement Year-End Closing Timelines (MEM-6016.8)
Time and Effort Reporting
- FSEP Time and Effort Reporting - WEBPAGE - LINK
- FAQs Regarding Time and Effort - WEBPAGE - LINK
- Periodic Certification - B1-B2FILLABLE FORM - FSEP 03-28-22
- Administrator Assurances (Attachment F) - FILLABLE FORM - FSEP 03-28-2022
- BUL 2643.12 - Employees who receive compensation from federal or state categorical
programs - Title I Individual Activity Sign-In - TEMPLATE - LDNW 06-12-20
- Title I Group Activity Sign-In - TEMPLATE - LDNW 06-12-20
- Creating a Sign-In Form Using Google Forms - JOB AID - Montano 05-26-20
- Position Review Tool - FORM - LDNW 06-16-20
SSCs and Title I Decision-Making
SPSA Evaluation
LDNW Title I Coordinators
Schoology Access Code
The Title I Program in Region North
Title I is a federally funded K-12 program authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The central purpose of the program is to ensure that all students in grades K-12 have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach at least minimum levels of proficiency in core subjects. Through the allocation of supplemental federal funds and other resources to be used in accordance with its annual strategic action plan, called the “School Plan for Student Achievement,” each Title I school is enabled to provide the evidence-based supplemental supports and services necessary to ensure that all of its students enjoy equitable access to the school’s educational program and experience academic success and growth. Title I funds are allocated annually to LAUSD schools based on the percentage of low income students aged 5 to 17 that are enrolled at the school on “norm day” (CBEDS Information Day) every October.
The Local District Northwest Title I Team’s core mission is to provide information, professional development, and technical support to schools on the various components of the Title I Program and related District requirements.
California Dashboard California DashboardTap again to continue
FOCUS Dashboard FOCUS DashboardTap again to continue
MISIS MISISTap again to continue
MTAM MTAMMore Than A Meal DashboardTap again to continue
MyData MyDataTap again to continue
Online SPSA Online SPSA School Plan for Student AchievementTap again to continue
SES SES School Experience Survey DashboardTap again to continue
Schoology SchoologyTap again to continue
Parent and Community Services Parent and Community ServicesTap again to continue
Principal's Portal Principal's PortalTap again to continue
UDIPP UDIPPUnified Digital Instructional Procurement PlanTap again to continue
Whole Child Whole Child Whole Child DataTap again to continue