Other FEMA Courses
We highly recommend that all LAUSD employees take Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) online courses to help prepare themselves and their families for disasters, as well as to assist them at work. The courses listed on this page offer training on specific topics. All FEMA courses now require a FEMA Student ID (FEMA SID) number, which must be applied for by the individual here. Please do not contact anyone in LAUSD regarding your FEMA SID number.
After you have completed each course, please email a copy of your certificate to emergencyservices@lausd.net for our database.IS-22 Are You Ready? An In-Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness. This FEMA course is designed to prepare individuals and their families against all types of hazards. It can be used as a reference source or a step-by-step manual for developing, practicing, and maintaining emergency plans. It also includes information on how to assemble a sufficient disaster supplies kit for the home. Click here to download the course materials.
IS-55 Household Hazardous Materials This FEMA course for the general public introduces household hazardous materials and the actions to take to prevent prepare against injury and death. The course covers the effects chemicals have on the body, the dangers of specific chemicals, personal protection, proper disposal, and chemical alternatives. This course is not designed to address school site chemical regulations. Click here to take this course, and then click on the "next" button.
IS-100.PWb Introduction to Incident Command System for Public Works Personnel This FEMA course is an alternative to Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS) for Schools, and may be most appropriate for workers in Maintentance and Operations. It covers the foundation for higher level ICS training and the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Click here to take this course, and then click on the "Begin the Training" button.
IS-317 Introduction to Community Emergency Response Team This FEMA course (now housed on the citizencorps.gov website) offers an overview of information covered in CERT training. The course follows the same model as in-person CERT training, with modules in Cert Basics, Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials and Terrorist Incidents, Disaster Medical Operations, Search and Rescue, and Course Summary. Please note that the online CERT course is NOT a substitute for the in-person training and is NOT eligible for an LAUSD salary point. Click here to take this course, then click on "Lesson 1-0 Course Overview".
IS-362 Multi-hazard Emergency Planning for Schools This FEMA course describes emergency management operations, roles and duties; explains how to assess potential hazards schools may face; and explains how to develop and Emergency Operations Plan for all potential hazards. This course may be particularly valuable to personnel on the school safety committee, and those developing the Safe School Plan for their site. Click here to take this course, and then click on the "Take This Course" box.
IS-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters This FEMA course focuses on the unique needs of children in disasters and provides information for creating, updating or revising an Emergency Operations Plan with the specific needs of children in mind. Click here to take this course, and then click the "begin" button.
IS-775 EOC Management and Operations This FEMA course describes the role, design, and functions of Emergency Operations Centers and their relationships as components of a multi-agency coordination system. The course contains disaster-related examples, activities and case studies that relate to EOC's and multi-agency coordination systems at the local, state and federal levels of government. Click here to take this course, and then click the "begin" button.